
FASD, PTSD. Has lived in group homes. LSS home until last summer when there were allegations against staff and drank bleach for self-harm. Series of Shelter placements, ext. ER placements. Admit to Prairie care 2 mos ago, End of Dec. came to ANW ED. Rec group home funded by DD waiver. 18 in March. Leech Lake will be going for guardianship when she turns 18. Had done well in group home setting, but recently had a younger roommate that transferred, and became very upset after that.


SI, SIB, high risk behaviors (running away, substance use), foster family found burn marks on her sheets. Has been in 7 foster homes over last 2 years. CPS/foster family found notes referencing suicide in her room, SIB. ETOH use, THC use, deceitful, dishonesty. School staff and therapist was shocked, presents as a well-adjusted child. As in school. Struggles to connect with people. Makes poor choices with her sister. Likes to burn candles and leaves them, does she forget or is it intentional. Burn marks on sheets, lighter in room. Admitted because of SIB/SI notes. Struggling to find a foster family – from small area so other foster families hesitant to take her in. Question as to if residential treatment is appropriate? At this point, foster care or shelter care is rec. Was formerly at a partial program at Prairie Care.


In protective custody of Goodhue County. Trauma hx, was at SERCC and became dysregulated. Virtual DA schedule for today.


Came from foster care. Needs foster care to he can go to to Juvenile detention.


SUD, impulse control disorder, oppositional defiant disorder


Brought to ED after altercation with mom (family adopted patient after years of fostering). Patient went after mom with a knife, patient reports conflicting stories about incident and what she remembers happened. Had been in residential over a year ago. Was recently suspended from school for 10 days after getting into a fight with another student. Unclear if there have been any other incidents of this nature with mom or family, however, mom is not feeling safe if patient were to return home. CPS is involved, Nexus is now involved, but no placement options on horizon at this time.


Patient has a history of ADHD, DMDD, and trauma. He presented to the emergency trauma center with foster provider following an anger outburst where he hit himself. Patient also made comments about killing himself and threatened to kill another child in the home. Patient is unable to return to foster home.


History of PTSD, RAD, ODD, mood issues, adopted at age 6, multiple foster placements prior. Struggling for many years, 4 suicide attempts fall 2021, placed in a shelter in St Paul and targeted by a sex trafficker and eloped for 2 weeks, repeatedly assaulted, given drugs. Admitted to SEY program at Heartland Girls Ranch March 2022, unsuccessfully discharged October 2022 after assaulting a peer. Receiving school-based CD services through ALC, but no mental health services. Case manager working on residential but no success. Admitted to hospital 1/23/23 after massive OD triggered by breakup. Medically cleared 1/27, declined by all inpatient psych because of assault history. Suicidality has resolved, no behavioral issues. She eloped from the peds floor on 3/16/23 and had to be brought back to the ED by law enforcement. Hospitalization not recommended; county looking at outside placement options.


Patient with a history of ADHD, DMDD, and trauma that presents after making verbal suicide threat and gesture of putting his hands around his neck. Has a history of suicide statements and self injury when angry. Does not require inpatient hospitalization though is unable to return to foster home. There is difficulty in finding an accepting foster placement.

D/C to new foster home on 6/2/23


Pt’s parents recently lost custody. Patient was residing at Brittney’s Place and engaged in SIB by cutting superficially. Pt was evaluated and cleared for discharge however Brittney’s Place with not take Pt back.