
Discharged to a friends house 2/2/24
Seeking safe living placement for youth ASAP
Patient is a 17 year old Caucasian female with a history of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Admitted for SI/SIB related to school stress.
Ukraine Refugee and has been self sustaining since arriving in America. Patient was residing in Duluth with a roommate and roommate will not have patient live with her anymore. Patient does not have any contact with family. Trauma from war in Ukraine.
She has a therapist and psychiatrist in Duluth- will arrange to where she is living. Has completed PHP twice in the past. Pt wants to live in the Twin Cities Metro for access to more resources .Insured by UBH MA plan.

*Barrier to Discharge is housing:
The Bridge for Youth (Referral made, declined due to recent suicidal ideation)
Aspen House (Referral made, pending response)
Hope House (Contacted, no available bed at this time)
Brittany’s Place (Referral made, call at noon to review patient)
Von Wald Shelter (Referral made, pending response)
Life House (Contacted, waiting response)
Hennepin County Front Door (Contacted, they directed to call Homeless shelter, thus unable to help with housing/shelter resources)
Lutheran Social Services (Contacted, no available bed at this time)
UMD Campus Housing (Contacted campus housing, they don’t have campus housing for PSEO students)


Patient presented after being found on the run, recently discharged from Oshki Manidoo CD treatment unsuccessfully due to aggression and sneaking in a vape. Ongoing substance use concerns, need CD treatment.


UDPATES TO Discharge Plan 12/12/23:
-Grafton PRTF (Pt accepted, could admit 12/20, due to staffing moved back to mid-end of January)
-Nexus-East Bethel PRTF (Pt accepted, could admit mid -January)
-CABHH (Pt denied admission)

Recommending PRTF. Referrals completed.
Cannot return to previous Group Home. Per County, no interim plan available as parents and foster parents are reportedly not an option. Still seeking county to arrange interim living arrangement between Inpatient and PRTF – for crisis stabilization or group home.

Patient was previously at a group home, due to running away and SI/SIB, pt was readmitted to Inpatient. Inpatient hospitalizations 7/8/23-7/28-23, 9/29/23-10/13/23, 10/16/23-Present.

Patient has the following outpatient providers:
CPS Worker/Legal Guardian
Medication Management
School Counselor

Insurance: BCBS MN and MN MA


Patient presented from foster home due to SIB via cutting and passive SI. Recommended for discharge, however foster parent unwilling to take patient back due to concerns for behaviors (passive SI, reportedly giving men her address online). Needs shelter or foster placement.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: suicidal ideation, depression. Patient reports he tried to kill himself last night by stabbing himself with a dull pencil. Patient reports suicidal and homicidal thoughts that have increased in last two weeks. He has been at North Homes for three months. He was discharged to North Homes after a hospital stay at UMMC in September for SI. At North Homes, the patient escalated and told staff he was suicidal. He took the batteries out of a remote and tried to swallow them. He also tried to stab self with dull pencil. He became combative and needed to be restrained and then kicked staff in chest and tried to kick another staff. Patient then stated he would find each clients personal info and then take pictures of other clients after he killed them and send to parents. Patient told staff he would kill other clients and himself.
Patient reports long history of MH including PTSD, MDD and GAD. Patient has been hospitalized 2 x in past 6 months. Patient reports history of trauma. Patient states he has history of SIB.


Patient was adopted 2 years prior from Bulgaria. Initially, patient had very odd behaviors. For example, he would like his adoptive dad to be present in the bathroom when he went to the bathroom and showered. Parents state his behaviors have escalated. He has tried to masturbate the dog. He draws pictures of men with erections. He has exposed his genitals to his siblings. Purposefully incontinent of stool at tines. He has killed a Chinchilla and possibly several cats. He has tried to strangle the dog. They found sharp objects including a razor and sharp screwdriver under the bed. He did cut the top of his left hand but states this was an accident. Adoptive mom states they have a special needs child and patient has tried to harm this child. Parents are worried about safety within the home and are unable to bring him home at this time.


Patient was dropped off at a different ER by the parents of her 4th foster home placement where she was placed 3 days prior as the foster parents didn’t feel they could provide care for the patient due to hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, elopement, and sexualized behaviors. Her social workers picked her up from the outside ER and while in route to human services center to board until a new foster home was located, the patient was attempting to remove her seatbelt and she was brought to this ER where initially inpatient psychiatric hospitalization was recommended due to a lack of safety awareness, elopement, sexual behaviors, and need for medication assessment. She was trialed on guanfacine, developed hypotension and this was discontinued, and she was started on Concerta where her elopement attempts, impulsivity, and hyperactivity improved. She remains boarding in the ER while the county pursues foster home placement.


Long history of trauma started ingesting non-edible items, batteries on 3 occasions. Waiting on County to help with disposition. Ward of state. No attempts at self-harm or ingesting since stay in ED. Last ingestion was day of admission. Surgically removed batteries then back to ED for MH care. Local school district working with her, tutoring. Turns 18 in May.


Ran away from home (resides with grandma) & stole from Scheels and air pods from a stranger Was tracked by air pods owner who confronted the patient at Red Lobster. Pt assaulted the mother of this individual. History of trauma & SA Kicked out of multiple schools brought gun to Willow creek & threatened to pistol whip classmate. Attempted treatment at Fountain Centers. Restraint chair multiple times.

Declined from Heartland Girls Ranch, Family/Foster Home is not an option due to behaviors, SERCC/Vonwald- patient has been to in the past and has either eloped or been kicked out of the program due to fighting. Trisha will follow up with PORT and Hunter’s Place. These are both sheltered care so similar to Vonwald but in a different geographic area. Neither of these are locked facilities which is also a concern.

Parents unwilling to take her home. Care conference with the county occurred after a week in the ED. Just starting the QRTP process.


Came after being found in the street by a passerby who administered Narcan. Was incoherent, EMS brought her in to HCMC ED. Long history of trauma. Sexually abused in preschool by her father, who is incarcerated currently. Has been vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Her engagement with anyone in the community is a pathway to a friendship. Dakota County financial responsibility. Working with DaK. case mgr. Had an incident at school (interaction with the principal and had some sort of physical contact with him, charged with assault), so now has a probation officer. No aggression noted at hospital. Wonderful family support. Had been living with aunt. Will just walk out and engage with strangers who do not have her best interest in mind. When DA is complete will be looking for placement for her. community placement. Has been at CRTC and VOA. Working on getting all the info to understand her full picture. DRug screen was negative. Unsure if chemical abuse is dependent? She will use substances if someone offers it to her, socially.