
Was living with grandparents, from crisis center, was in IOP at Prairie Care, showed up intoxicated, gramma fears for her life due to threats from granddaughter.


Diabetes, non-compliance, new substance use, looking at Jarvis, CHIPs placement.

DC’d to foster care 9/7/2022


Patient arrived via EMS due to her mother calling 911 after the patient made suicidal comments at home and conflict with her mother. Patient was engaging in sexual behavior with a strange, in exchange for drugs. Patient went home and told her mother what she did, passively stating she wanted to kill herself.
The patient has a history of risky sexual behavior, self-harm, and suicidal ideation. Patient also has a history of physical and verbal altercations with others including family and EMS / hospital / treatment staff, and has a history of 3 suicide attempts, most recent attempt was 1 year ago by ingesting bleach.
Patient has a past psychiatric history of ASD, ADHD, MDD, GAD, and Cannabis Use disorder.


Pt is presented to the ED via EMS due to possible ingestion of cold medications. Pt’s father had called 911, reporting patient’s presentation as being confused and “high” on drugs. Pt admitted to taking pills (unclear about the number of pills) in order to get high. He denies that this was a suicide attempt, and currently denies any suicidal ideation. Pt denies recent self-harm, but has a hx of self-harm over one year ago. Pt lives with his father during the week, and mother on the weekends. Medical records indicate the following history: He has a history of major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and substance use disorder. He had been evaluated in the ED for close monitoring in the setting of altered mental status secondary to presumed toxic ingestion of unknown substances, and has a history of multiple inpatient psychiatric admissions. Most recently admitted in March 2023 due to “ingestion/inhalation of multiple substances, including dextromethorphan and benadryl”. Pt has a history of residential treatment, and has a hx of substance abuse for several years and participating in both inpatient and outpatient treatment.


AMT, SUD, Aggression

Discharged to home 9/14/2022


Chemical Dependency, Elopement

DC’d to home 8.22.2022