Patient presented to the ER with PD following being on run for one week from a trial home visit with biological parents, was in shelter prior to that. Drug of choice is meth. Initially presented with psychotic symptoms that have since cleared, which has resulted in patient being cleared by psychiatry.
Psychiatric Diagnosis: Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse refers to problematic patterns of using and abusing drugs or alcohol, leading to negative consequences in a person’s life. It is a psychiatric diagnosis that may involve addiction or substance use disorders.
AMT, SUD, Aggression
Discharged to home 9/14/2022
Presented to ED for verbal agitation, physical aggression, significant behavior chance, suicidal ideation. Patient has also been engaging in SIB. Aggression has been ongoing for over a year and has intensified. Aggression comes on suddenly/does not seem to be predictable. Mom feels she has no control. Has an IEP for low IQ and learning difficulties. Refuses medications. Strained relationships with mother, father, and older siblings. Patient reports not having many close friends. Has engaged in lots of community and outpatient treatment options including individual therapy, family therapy, case management, school counseling, child protection, primary care, psychiatric medication management, day treatment. Has been hospitalized before at PrairieCare.
Psychiatric history of PTSD, schizophrenia, and bipolar diagnoses. Patient has two prior inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations (Aug 2024 and Sept 2024). Patient presented to PrairieCare through ED, following and manic-like behaviors, delusions, and aggression during intake with Anthony Louis Center.
Initial treatment recommendation was to discharge patient to Anthony Louis Center, however current clinical indication is for longer term mental health care support.
A 17-year-old female presented to the emergency department with altered mental status due to drug intoxication. Hennepin County currently holds temporary custody of her. She had been reported missing since July. Given her condition and the circumstances surrounding her case, there is a strong suspicion of human trafficking.
Recommendation is for dual diagnosis residential programming (ASAM 3.5)
Patient arrived at Inpatient from ED due to increased suicidal ideation. This is his 5th psychiatric inpatient hospitalization in the past few years. He has done RTC through Northwest Passages, PC PHP, and began programming at Options day tx before it closed. He does have a history of aggression towards school peers although aggression has not been a concern while in programming or hospitalized.
Discharge Plan:
Dual Diagnosis RTC:
Dual Diagnosis RTC:
-Newport (patient declined due to impulsivity and aggression concerns)
-MHealth Fairview, Maplewood (declined due to acuity of MH and aggression)
-Hazelden (in network benefits approved – initial phone screen complete, awaiting decision for setting up next assessment)
-Wings (pt declined due to physical aggression in previous six months)
-Rogers BH (Referral sent – guardian to complete phone screening and then pt screening will be scheduled)
-Lakeside Academy (Christian based program – patient declines referral due to this)
-Bar None Omegon (unable to refer – only accepts biological males)
-Anthony Louis Center (unable to refer – will not accept those needing dimension 3 ratings or above)
Update 4/26/24: Patient discharged from inpatient on 4/26/24 and admitted to VOA Bar None Shelter Plus.
Update 4/24/24: Patient has been accepted to VOA Bar None ShelterPlus Program with admission scheduled for Friday 4/26.
Update 4/17/24: Updated clinical/referral resubmitted to Anthony Lewis Center for acceptance consideration.
Update 4/4/24 – County is working towards referrals to group home settings at North Crow Group Home – Cokato and Annadale – Village Ranch while awaiting appropriate RTC placement. Anthony Lewis Center tentatively reconsidering the referral if patient does not need a medical setting.
16-year-old female presenting to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital. Patient is diagnosed with RAD, depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, polysubstance use emerging personality traits. Patient has had multiple hospitalizations, utilizes outpatient resources and completed DBT, one RTC placement, been in a group home, and is currently in foster placement. Patient’s current foster placement is unwilling to have patient return. Patient is currently under guardianship of Wright County.
Discharge Plan:
Dual Diagnosis RTC:
– MHealth Fairview-Maplewood (Referrals submitted: Update 3.13.24 – Cannot be approved until housing is confirmed)
– Wings (Referrals submitted Denied 3.15.24 due to mental health needs exceeded current program capabilities)
Current Providers:
– Individual Therapy
– Chemical Dependency Counseling
– Medication Management
– CMHCM with Wright County
Update 4/16/24: Patient discharged from inpatient on 4/16/24 to outpatient mental health services while awaiting admission to CD RTC.
4/3/24 Update: Waiting accepting CD RTC tx
Case Description: 17 y/o male w/ ASD, depression, polysubstance use, ADHD, presenting due to intrusive SI . Biologically, there is a genetic predisposition for depression, anxiety and substance abuse in the family. Patient recently underwent chemical dependency tx outpatient and was using concurrently.
Discharge Plan:
– Omegon Pathways (referral submitted)
– MHealth Fairview-MW (referral submitted; denied 3/27/24 due to ED/behavior concerns)
– Lakeside (referral submitted)
– CMHCM through Blue Earth
Current Providers:
– Individual Therapy ACFS (Adult, Child, & Family Services, LLC) – Mankato
– Depression and Teens Group (DAT) Weekly Group at ACFS (12 week program)
– Medication Management at Mankato Clinic
– Truancy Worker at Blue Earth County Community Corrections
– Primary Care at Mayo Clinic Health System – Eastridge
Update 3/29- Pt discharge home while waiting potential tx
16-year-old male presenting to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital. Patient has a known past psychiatric history significant for Depression, Anxiety, Polysubstance abuse. Patient has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations.
Discharge Plan:
-Dual Diagnosis RTC:
– MHealth Fairview – declined due to behaviors at previous placements
– Rogers Behavioral Health – cannot accept pts insurance
– Hazelden – cannot accept pts insurance
– MN Adult & Teen Challenge Lakeside Academy – declined due to behaviors at previous placements
– Wings – referral sent, pt denied in past
– Anthony Louis Center – CD only – declined due to dimension 3 score
– VOA Omegon Pathways – referral sent, will make determination week of 3/25/24, earliest availability mid-late Apr
Continue with currently established providers:
-Probation Officer: Swift County
Update: 1/19/24 Pt. still looking for placement.
15-year-old male looking for a group home and residential program. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager has tried everything, and doors are being shut. Client has a physical aggression, verbal aggression, history of PTSD and sexual abuse. Client has experienced abuse from biological father who is in still in the home, and sexual assault that happened possibility of more than one with an older cousin sister. Client mother is giving up on hope on trying to help her child. Client is struggling at home, school, and community. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager has been trying everything to find a placement for him. He’s been going in and out of the ER like every two months now. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager still trying to offer support the way she can by being there every hospital stay, seeing client like twice a month, and having mom keep her on speed dial to talk to client.
Because of experiences, client is chemical dependent on marijuana, perks, and opioids.