
Patient sent to Cambridge medical center ED due to aggression and numerous ED visits from Bar None. Bar None discharging the patient.


Kiddo came to our ED 12/23, came from North Memorial ED after incident with Grandma at home, brought to us from County Case Manager. Grandma has custody. Has history of physical aggression, primarily directed at family. Has been calm and cooperative in our ED. CM is currently exploring parent referred shelter programs but all thus far have denied due to age/behavior. OP therapist is recommending RTC for long term plan but needing interim plan as well, Grandma reports it’s not safe to return to her.


Kiddo came to the ED 9/19 after aggression at his group home. Boarded at our hospital summer of 2023 for a few months. Team does not want him to return to his group home and is seeking crisis respite while they work on finding a new group home. Has DD waiver.


Pt is adopted, Pts parents signed a voluntary out of home agreement with Rice County, Pt has not been home in approximately 3yrs. Numerous failed placements due to aggression. There has been zero movement in regard to placement options. Patient is very aggressive and has been so on the psychiatric unit. Pt presents with all the symptoms of RAD


This kiddo came to our ED on 10/21 because she did not have any other placement. County currently has custody. She was previously at Niama House where she had physical aggression toward staff on 10/19. They brought her to the ED on 10/21 and discharged her from their program. She previously boarded in our ED from 4/25-6/20, also due to needing placement.


Patient is a 16-year-old girl with history of mental illness who was brought to the emergency department from port group home where she has been residing for about 5 days. Patient states that she was in juvenile detention immediately prior to going to the group home. Patient has been prescribed psychotropic medicines in the past, but is not currently using any medications. Recommendation from probation officer and county social worker is juvenile detention center or psychiatric inpatient hospitalization pending long term psych placement. However, LE states they can’t bring her to JDC as she has no charges that would make that appropriate at this time without order from probation. Pt has been aggressive, verbally and physically while in the ED. She has eloped on multiple occasions and has attempted to harm herself.


Recommendation is for QRTP or PRTF – either could potentially meet the needs of this patient and limited treatment centers available due to patient’s age. Patient is currently in psychiatric inpatient hospitalization.
Patient is an 8-year-old female. Patient presented to inpatient from the ED due to increase in unsafe and risk-taking behaviors. This is her fourth inpatient hospitalization; one in 2022 and three in 2024. Patient has attended day treatment twice and participated in outpatient psychotherapy and medication management.

Discharge Plan:
PRTF/QRTP: (county funding approved for QRTP)
– Grafton (declined due to not meeting criteria)
– Northwood (referrals submitted 9/9, on waitlist 9/23 – awaiting update on admission timelines)
– Gerard (unable to accept due to age)
– Avanti (unable to accept due to age)
– Bar None Haven (unable to accept due to age)
– North Homes (unable to accept due to age)
– Heartland Girls Ranch (unable to accept due to age

Continue with following outside providers:
– Therapy/Therapist: Solutions Behavioral Healthcare Professionals
– Primary Care Provider: Sanford Health
– Medication Management: Solutions Behavioral Healthcare Professionals
– Case Management: Solutions Behavioral Healthcare Professionals
– Occupational Therapy: Beyond Boundaries Therapy and Wellness


Recommendation is now for level 6 PRTF. Patient is currently in psychiatric inpatient hospitalization.
Patient is a 16-year-old who identifies as non-binary using they/them. They presented to inpatient from ED due to increased SI. This is patient’s 14th psychiatric inpatient hospitalization. They have participated in outpatient services and PHP historically.
Patient was initially recommended for level 5 QRTP by inpatient providers although Dakota County recommended level 6 PRTF.

Discharge Plans:
PRTF (county determination/recommendation – DHS approved)
-Nexus East Bethel (referral submitted & under review)
-Grafton (not an option as they do not meet admission criteria)
-Northwood (referral submitted; two year waitlist)

RTC: (county declined funding for level 5 QRTP, recommended Level 6)
-Avanti (declined)
-Gerard (referral sent, unable to move forward due to lack of funding)
-North Homes (referral sent, unable to move forward due to lack of funding)

Established outpatient providers:
Individual Therapist: Your Vision
Psychiatrist: Associated Clinic of Psychology
PCP: Allina Healthcare
CMHCM: Dakota County
PO: Dakota County


Patient presents to the ER from PRTF twice in the same day after boarding for an extended period of time due to aggression towards staff. She has since been discharged from the PRTF as they felt a higher level of care was indicated. She is currently doing well here with intermittent verbal escalations though does struggle with peer relationships. She does express visual and auditory hallucinations though these do appear to be related to trauma.


Brought to ER after assaultive behavior towards group home staff. Since being in the ER, patient has denied SI/HI and been behaviorally regulated with the exception of one incident after being here for 6 days, and was asked to go to his room to avoid potential problems with other patient’s in the ER and he was upset and got restrained. He’s been up for discharge back to his group home since the day he presented to the ER. The county worker has been main contact with group home and are trying to problem solve ways to support patient at the group home. Ombudsmen involved.

Update 7/10 – patient remains boarded, now on EmPATH unit (observation unit/extension of ER) without aggression or behaviors. County guardian making referrals for placement options including respite, crisis, group home, shelter