Updated 2/22/24: DC Fri 2/23 to Nexus Mille Lacs RTC (County and Nexus recommending PRTF for long term tx). DC pending communication with guardians, have not had a response from them the whole hospitalization.
Update 2/16/24: Nexus Mille Lacs RTC is recommending PRTF level of care for patient. Kanabec County is in support of recommendation and plans to being the referral process.
Case Description:
15-year-old female identifying patient with a history of depression, anxiety, RAD, PTSD, ADHD, and ODD. Patient has been in out of home treatment settings for 3 years. Patient was at an unknown treatment facility and was discharged due to its closing, Northwood Children’s Services PRTF and most recently has been at Nexus Mille Lacs RTC since October 2022. Patient has a history of three inpatient hospitalizations.
Current services:
CMHCM: Kanabec County
RTC: Nexus Mille Lacs