
Presented after a sexual assault. She has a known history of depression and PTSD, polysubstance use and prior sexual assaults, trafficking and pelvic inflammatory disease.


Patient presents after being found on the run by police, ongoing substance use concerns. Patient has been discharged from several CD facilities related to behaviors and/or eloping. Patient continues to need CD treatment, guardian does not feel safe with patient coming home.


Patient presents from a family friend’s home where she was living however due to ongoing dysregulation and threats to harm the family, patient can no longer stay there. Mother does not feel safe with patient at home due to homicidal threats to family. Patient has no current options and needs long term placement.


Patient presented from home due to aggression and dysregulated behaviors, which are baseline for patient. Guardian will not allow her to return home, citing safety concerns for himself as patient often becomes aggressive with him. Patient has been to Gerard RTC in fall, 2023 but discharged without completing.


UPATE: 1/18/24: Still inpatient. May be going to crisis programming in the near future, but no date yet.
UPDATE 11-15-2023: Still inpatient 1:1 staffing, strict behavior plan.
Patient is a 15 yo M with a past psychiatric history of RAD, PTSD, and ADHD as well as unspecified mood disorder (MDD vs DMDD), spells of trembling, and unspecified anxiety disorder, mostly documented as GAD. Multiple previous inpatient admissions, most recently Feb 2023. Has had numerous ED visits since 02/2023 for aggression. He has a psychosocial history of early parental loss, institutional care, neglect, and profound physical and sexual abuse while living in an orphanage in Ghana following the death of his biological mother in child birth. He was adopted when he was seven years old. Since that time, he has struggled with physically aggressive behavior, typically triggered by losing control of situations by not getting what he wants, being challenged, etc., assaulting both parents and endangering siblings. He can also become agitated and engage in aggression and property damage at the school. When he is not aggressive, however, he presents as extremely polite, pleasant, playful, and affectionate, and he does not struggle with chronic irritability or agitation. His family has worked to keep him in the home and community by maintaining two residences, with father caring for him in a rental and his mother caring for his sibling in their family home for safety over the past three years. He has had numerous inpatient stays, crisis placement, shelter, and residential stays as well as outpatient psychiatric and counseling services in clinic and in the home. Still, his behaviors remain persistently dangerous, culminating in the sexual assault of his father on 10/21/23.
Reach out to Heather Hanson, Social Worker at Abbott with questions or possible matches. She can be reached at 612-863-8569 and/or heather.hanson2@allina.com


1/18/24. No placement at this time. Waiting for a waiver to open up more funding sources. Denied at respite/shelter due to behaviors

Patient presented from Aspen House shelter due to aggressive behavior and property destruction. Patient is unable to return to shelter. Mother refusing to discharge home. County looking into shelter options and foster care placement


Patient presented to the ER after 3 other ER visits from outside ER for physical concerns that were determined to be panic symptoms verses a physical abnormality. Patient has a chronic history of mood and behavioral dysregulation, self-harm, multiple suicide attempts, truancy, and parent child relationship difficulties. She has a history of trauma in the form of witnessing domestic abuse, physical abuse, possible sexual abuse, and the death of her dad due to an OD 4-5 years ago. She has had 2 inpatient hospitalizations along with 2 PHP admissions with little benefit and participation. Mom struggles with following through on recommendations and struggles with alcohol/substance use. A child protection report was filed last year and she moved in to her neighbors though this is no longer an option. She denies any passive or active suicide ideation, plan, or intent. Inpatient hospitalization is not recommended. Mom is not willing to bring her back home at this time due to disruption in the home.


Discharging today to A New Direction for Youth

Patient presented from GH after threatening staff with pepper spray and becoming verbally agitated, which is often baseline for patient. GH will not accept back until a meeting can occur to determine if they will be accept back, meeting scheduled for Friday 1/12.


Discharge Plan: *Insurance is BCBS MN PMAP
Residential Treatment – Referrals have been sent to the following facilities:
-Avanti (Referral submitted 10/26, DECLINED)
-Gerard Academy (Referral submitted 10/26; Update received 12/14: Unable to admit due to elopement risk but otherwise approved, will leave on list to review level of risk moving forward; currently under re-review)
-North Homes (ACCEPTED; County funding needed; openings in March/April)

PRTF – Referrals to be sent to the following facilities:
-Grafton (Referral submitted 10/23; pt does not meet exclusionary criteria)
-Nexus East Bethel (Referral sent; only accepting pt’s with MA insurance at this time; will refer once County confirms MA insurance)

Outpatient Services:
Establish CMHCM through Ramsey County (Referral submitted 10/23; intake worker confirmed on 1/10 that a long term worker would be assigned next day)

Continue existing outpatient services:
-Therapy/Therapist: Minnesota Mental Health Clinic in Woodbury
-Prescriber/Medication Management: Nystrom & Associates
-MCRC Runaway Intervention Program at Children’s
-PO Ari Tresselt Ramsey County
-Disability Services intake worker: Ramsey County

Case Description
15-year-old female with a history of depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, as well as some behavioral concerns. Pt has had three hospitalizations in the past year, has done PHP, JDC, outpatient.


Residential Treatment – Referrals have been sent to the following facilities:
-Avanti (Referral submitted 10/26, DECLINED)
-Gerard Academy (Referral submitted 10/26; Update received 12/14: Unable to admit due to elopement risk but otherwise approved, will leave on list to review level of risk moving forward; currently under re-review)
-North Homes (ACCEPTED; County funding needed; openings in March/April)

PRTF – Referrals have been sent to the following facilities:
-Grafton (Referral submitted 10/23; pt does not meet exclusionary criteria)
-Nexus East Bethel (Referral sent; only accepting pt’s with MA insurance at this time; will refer once County confirms MA insurance)

Outpatient Services:
Establish CMHCM through Ramsey County (Referral submitted 10/23; 1/10 intake worker states the long term worker will be assigned tomorrow)
Continue existing outpatient services:
-Therapy/Therapist:Minnesota Mental Health Clinic in Woodbury
-Prescriber/Medication Management: Nystrom & Associates
-MCRC Runaway Intervention Program at Children’s
-PO Ramsey County
-Disability Services intake worker Ramsey County

Case Descreption:
15-year-old female with a history of depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, as well as some behavioral concern. Patient has exhausted several outpatient supports including school in a smaller setting, Childrens hospital, as well as Maplewood PHP, DBT, and engagement with MCRC, JDC and two other shelter placements. Third hospitalization this year.