14 year old with significant trauma history, ward of Olmsted, previously residing in kinship foster placement but repeatedly eloped. Refuses to participate in therapy as an outpatient. Verbally defiant at times but no significant aggression toward caregivers; can have reactive physical fights with peers at school but not unprovoked. County has guardianship since November 2022, but he does have actively involved aunt/uncle who will be the targets for permanency planning.
Psychiatric Diagnosis: PTSD
PTSD is a psychiatric diagnosis that results from exposure to a traumatic event or series of events. It is characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety, often resulting in impaired daily functioning.
History of PTSD, RAD, ODD, mood issues, adopted at age 6, multiple foster placements prior. Struggling for many years, 4 suicide attempts fall 2021, placed in a shelter in St Paul and targeted by a sex trafficker and eloped for 2 weeks, repeatedly assaulted, given drugs. Admitted to SEY program at Heartland Girls Ranch March 2022, unsuccessfully discharged October 2022 after assaulting a peer. Receiving school-based CD services through ALC, but no mental health services. Case manager working on residential but no success. Admitted to hospital 1/23/23 after massive OD triggered by breakup. Medically cleared 1/27, declined by all inpatient psych because of assault history. Suicidality has resolved, no behavioral issues. She eloped from the peds floor on 3/16/23 and had to be brought back to the ED by law enforcement. Hospitalization not recommended; county looking at outside placement options.
Pt presented to the ED via EMS after jumping out of her mother’s car into traffic, stating that she wanted to die. Pt lives with her mother and brother, who moved to MN from TX in December of 2022, to escape domestic violence and pervasive sexual trauma. Pt has a history of significant sexual abuse from their father, including sex trafficking. Pt has been screaming, kicking, and running outside, placing the family’s housing at risk.
Pt is presented to the ED via EMS. Pt resides at a residential treatment facility, where he has been for the past three months. While at the group home, pt reports he became upset by hallucinations and began banging his head. Pt states that he wanted to harm himself and possibly end his life. Pt has hx of baseline S/I and threats of suicide. Pt reports hx of physical and sexual abuse (does not provide further details.) Pt has hx of Borderline Personality Disorder, DMDD, PTSD, GAD and Unspecified Psychosis.
Client in process of completing DA through our Assessment Team so not all information is complete at this time. The system has not been helpful to this family for a long time and they are struggling to maintain his adoption. He has low IQ, largely non-verbal with few receptive language skills (communicates by pulling people to things), approved for residential treatment over 3 years ago – not accepted to any placement so far, has a DD case manager and “unlimited” waiver. Historical diagnosis include: ASD, PTSD, GDD, and ADHD. He has significant behaviors including hitting, pushing, stomping and fecal smearing when told “no” or denied access to something even with a body suit. Behaviors of some kind occur multiple times daily. He is aggressive toward all family members but the fecal smearing happens more in response to mother. He has been declined services at over 20 PCA agencies, is not successful attending outpatient therapy services or medical appointments (aggressive to providers and engages in behaviors), no respite providers will accept him, and he has been declined admission to psychiatric hospitalization and most outpatient providers declined him for services as his needs are “too great”. The family includes 4 other children many with special needs, and 2 are medically fragile. The family is to the point where parents are considering having one parent live with this child and the other 4 with the other parent for safety reasons.
6-23-23 client is now linked to Fraser and LSS for possible additional in-home wavier paid supports/services to decrease the likelihood of a boarding or out of home placement
Patient is a ward of the State of MN, she has been unsuccessful in foster care placements the past 3 years. She attends a Level 4 school, Reach Academy. Patient in need of higher level of care, group home.
Patient discharged to kinship foster care 6/15/23 while Legal Guardian/Social Worker is still pursuing group home placement. Namia House, Willow Trails.
Patient is presented to the ED by EMS from an RTC facility. Patient assaulted another resident and staff members, and attempted to elope from the facility. Patient is under guardianship of Martin County, and is considered a vulnerable adult. Patient has a significant history of abuse, and suicidal ideation. Patient is supposed to follow a low sugar and fat diet due to pancreatitis.
12 year old with trauma history, in-utero cocaine exposure, long history of behavioral outbursts with adoptive parents, participating in CIBS since November and moved to Phase 2 at Gerard in early January, but struggled and was sent to the ED within 48 hours due to severe outburst at Gerard. Appears to have mild autism spectrum disorder (difficulty with transitions, sensory sensitivity, communication struggles), and likely PTSD related to attempted kidnapping and multiple sexual assaults spring 2022. Has started Vyvanse, Prazosin, and Fluoxetine while boarding, and she has had much less extreme behavioral outbursts, has not needed IM or restraint in weeks. Oppositional, but generally can be verbally redirected. Outbursts tend to be tied to her difficulty with flexibility – eg when meals or medications arrive at slightly different times, or one nurse implements different TV rules than another – will start swearing, sometimes escalating to head-banging, but generally is able to calm on her own when given space (intervening/talking/etc once she is starting to dysregulate tends to escalate rather than de-escalate her). Has loving parents and want her in their home, but fear they cannot keep her safe right now. Regarding running – hasn’t tried to elope from peds floor. Sometimes ran from school or home when upset, walks around neighborhood and comes back. Issues at school have been more blowing up and headbanging. Update as of 4/11 still in ED
Pt is presented to the ED by the police after running away from home approximately two weeks ago. Pt had gotten into an argument with her mother and no longer felt safe there. Pt reports being physically abused at her mother’s house. Pt had been staying at a man’s house since running away from home, has been having unprotected sexual intercourse with him, and has a history of being sexually exploited for money. Pt is also on probation for unknown reasons.
Pt has been residing in foster homes since she was a few days old. Pt has lived in approximately 9 residences, some were with biological family members. She has been in her current foster home since October 2022. Pt is under guardianship through Hennepin County ICWA program with a Hennepin County Case Manager. According to her guardian, pt has been subjected to significant trauma from her previous placements, including physical/emotional/sexual abuse and neglect. Pt’s biological parents’ parental rights were terminated before pt was 1 year old. Pt is now enrolled in school through the MPLS public school, attending while boarding in the ED. She has frequent, chronic aggression in the community. Generally no concerns in the hospital.