
2nd visit to RMC in one week for running away (from school and from home). Verbally abusive towards authority (Sheriff’s Dept. and his grandparents). Recent theft (stole a sweatshirt from the mall) and violation of school policy (vape found in locker). Patient is refusing to return home with grandparents (legal guardians since 10 months old), now claiming they physically and emotionally abuse him. Hennepin Co. CPS has no concerns with safety at home. Patient is now making threats to grandparents, expressing that he wants them to “be murdered.” Grandparents are concerned for their safety after threats made by patient.


Update on 8/17/23 – still waiting placement, relocated to peds area, not admitted, still an ED patient.

Patient is ward of state with guardianship by Otter Tail County. On a stay of commitment. Terrible trauma history and aggression – toward inanimate objects, but occ if staff gets close, she will be aggressive toward a person. Multiple hospitalizations/boarding situations, multiple (5-6) PRTF placements and failures, including an out of state facility that was suddenly shut down. Was in Rochester for hotel with respite, but they brought her in after less than a week due to behaviors. Struggles to regulate when frustrated.


UPDATE 9/21/23 – placement difficult due to the arson incident.
Patient presents to ED for aggressive behaviors. Today, patient lit a fire in the bathroom of his group home because he was “tired of living” and “tired of his group home staff”, after they turned off the wifi in the house. After lighting the fire, police and fire department arrived. Patient was still escalated and refusing to leave the group home while the fire was burning in the bathroom. Patient was brought outside by a police officer, and patient attempted to grab the officer’s handgun. Patient states he did this with intent of using on himself or his group home manager. Patient was quickly handcuffed and restrained into an ambulance.
Patient was reportedly hospitalized in Floriday last month while on vacation for aggression, agitation, med non-compliance. Patient has been living in his current group home since 2019. Patient attends an alternative school which he enjoys. Patient has PCP and psychiatry per his report. States he has been in “placements” his entire life since being adopted from Ethiopia at a young age by his current adoptive parents. Previous admissions in 2018 for DMDD, and aggression.
Hx of learning disability, aggressive behavior, agitation, outbursts.


UPDATE: Accepted to Gerard Pending date next week.
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression, anxiety, worsening psychosocial stress. Patient was threatening to attack kids in her neighborhood with a knife, and threatened to stab her grandfather when he attempted to intervene. Patient’s grandfather locked her out of the house, so she wasn’t able to get anything else to hurt someone with, and patient kicked the lock off of the door.
Patient recently lived in a youth shelter/transitional home called Dignity House for 1.5 weeks until 8/3/2023. She was then sent to the ED for aggression. She had a warrant for arrest due to an assault and threatening homicide to family members. She was taken to JDC on 8/3/2023, had court, and then she was sent to the Bridge for Youth Shelter. Patient got into a physical altercation at The Bridge and was sent back to the ED on 8/8/2023. While in the ED, patient physically assaulted a nurse and was picked up by her grandfather.
Within this year, the patient has had approximately 13 ED visits due to concerns including runaway, aggression, abuse/neglect, and altercations with family members.


UPDATE 9/7/23: Pending potential foster/emergency beds.
UPDATE 8/31/23: Possible emergency foster bed open 9/5, emergent SMRT application in process. Still waiting living placement.

13 y/o female with a history of PTSD, depression, ADHD, mild CD concerns. Patient has a history of previous psychiatric hospitalizations related to increase in SI, SIB, and/or suicide attempts. Patient currently has an outpatient therapist and children’s mental health case manager; treatment history includes outpatient therapy and psychiatric hospitalizations as well as one prior placement at Northwoods crisis stabilization program. Patient is in foster care under guardianship of St. Louis County. Patient was in a foster home prior to inpatient hospitalization but is unable to return to that placement after discharge. Patient has Ucare PMAP insurance.

Discharge Recommendations:
Continue individual therapy established provider
Continue CMHCM with established provider
Continue primary care/medication management with established provider
Establish psychiatry (SW to refer/follow up with outpatient team RE: pending referral)

Estimated length of stay:
Until placement is established by the County (Patient is medically ready for discharge as of 08/16/23)


UPDATE: 9/7/23 – discharged to AMAS Inc (CADI group home)
UPDATE: 8/31/23 – Care conf tomorrow. Accepted by Sunset House, having zoom meeting with patient today to get to know him better before transition- waiting on them to get licensing.
UPDATE: 8/17/23 – Still in ED. Not able to go to Mille Lacs due to non-participation. There is a CADI group home willing to take him, working on licensing.
UPDATE 7/27 – had a video interview with Nexus Mille Lacs on 7/26, awaiting updates.

Previously MCR 1086: Discharged 6/15/23 to VonWald, returned ED 6/30. 14 year old with significant trauma history, ward of Hennepin County, recent placement at his request with young adult brother that was disrupted due to conflict. Briefly placed at Von Wald shelter but repeatedly eloped in an effort to reunite with his brother, and was brought to the ED. Calm overall except when relocated to a unit that required observation while in the restroom, then repeatedly escalated with verbal threats, closing himself in the bathroom, and hitting the walls. Had an interview with Nexus Mille Lacs on 7/26/23. He is familiar with Nexus Gerard and would feel comfortable there.



Patient is a 14-year-old female with history of depression, anxiety, SI, SIB, trauma and aggressive behaviors. Has participated in PHP, RTC, and inpatient levels of care. Insured by Medicaid.

Primary Recommendation-
Establish Day Treatment (Patient currently refuses)
Continue CMHCM- Family Wise Services, contracted by Hennepin County
Establish outpatient individual therapy (CM is scheduling)
Establish med management (CM is scheduling)

Discharge has been attempted. Mother/LG will not accept patient back into the home. Patient was living at Passageways Shelter prior to admission and mother/LG consents for shelter placement at discharge. Patient’s aunt/uncle had agreed to take patient in with consent from LG, but aunt declined to pick patient up on day of scheduled discharge and rescinded the offer to accept patient.

Patient needs shelter placement due to family dynamics, thus the following are pursued-
Consider The Bridge for Youth (Denied d/t reported severity of aggression towards mother)
Consider Passageways (Denied again as of 8/16/23)
Consider Brittany’s Place (Denied d/t parent is still LG and would need to complete VPA)
Consider Hope House (No current availability, call back once per week to check)
Consider Itaskin Center Shelter (Referral sent by SW, additional referral needed by CMHCM)
Consider VOA Bar None Shelter (Referral sent by SW, additional referral needed by CMHCM)
Consider Ain Dah Yung Center (Referral sent by CMHCM, no current availability)

Consider RTC, as previously recommended by CMHCM prior to admission*-
Nexus-Gerard (Referral started by CMHCM, clinical sent by SW, awaiting records from CRTC for determination)
CRTC (Referral started by CMHCM, clinical sent by SW, declined for admission due to IQ)

*QRTP Pre Placement Screening with Hennepin County needed to approve funding for QRTP.

Estimated length of stay:
Patient is medically ready for discharge as of 7/18/23


UPDATE: Mom wouldn’t sign ROI for CRTC to she still awaits placement.

Patient is a 15 year-old with a history of PTSD, MDD, and GAD. She has a history of five previous psychiatric hospitalizations and one premature discharge from residential treatment this past spring after restricting her food and water intake (start of present hospitalization). Nutritional intake has continued to decline to the point of needing tube feeds to meet daily nutritional requirements, with symptoms more closely resembling anorexia nervosa at this time.

Patient is already connected with medication management, county case management, CPS, and psychotherapy.


Patient is an 11-year-old male presenting to Children’s Emergency Department due to increasing behavioral escalations at home. Patient has a history of trauma. Patient has not had stable housing and has been in several different placements within this last year.
Patient does not meet inpatient mental health criteria due to no ongoing or current suicidal ideation, thoughts of self-harm, or thoughts to harm others and was recommended to discharge home to his foster home with his grandmother.


Pt is a 10 yo male presenting due to increased aggressive and impulsive behaviors at home. Pt was attempting to light fires in the home prompting mom to call EMS. Mom has other small children in the home and feels as though she is not equipped to care for him. Pt has trauma history and has had inpatient mental health stays in the past. County recently approved funding for PRTF. Looking for a shelter in the meantime. Has sexual concerns so that needs to be considered with shelter placement. Extensive sexual and physical abuse history. Mom unable to take him back at this time, other children in the home. Has not has any sexualized behaviors while at the hospital. Nexus Mille Lacs is able to take someone with potential sexualized behaviors – and is interested in this child. Connecting offline.