
Discharging today to A New Direction for Youth

Patient presented from GH after threatening staff with pepper spray and becoming verbally agitated, which is often baseline for patient. GH will not accept back until a meeting can occur to determine if they will be accept back, meeting scheduled for Friday 1/12.


Discharge Plan: *Insurance is BCBS MN PMAP
Residential Treatment – Referrals have been sent to the following facilities:
-Avanti (Referral submitted 10/26, DECLINED)
-Gerard Academy (Referral submitted 10/26; Update received 12/14: Unable to admit due to elopement risk but otherwise approved, will leave on list to review level of risk moving forward; currently under re-review)
-North Homes (ACCEPTED; County funding needed; openings in March/April)

PRTF – Referrals to be sent to the following facilities:
-Grafton (Referral submitted 10/23; pt does not meet exclusionary criteria)
-Nexus East Bethel (Referral sent; only accepting pt’s with MA insurance at this time; will refer once County confirms MA insurance)

Outpatient Services:
Establish CMHCM through Ramsey County (Referral submitted 10/23; intake worker confirmed on 1/10 that a long term worker would be assigned next day)

Continue existing outpatient services:
-Therapy/Therapist: Minnesota Mental Health Clinic in Woodbury
-Prescriber/Medication Management: Nystrom & Associates
-MCRC Runaway Intervention Program at Children’s
-PO Ari Tresselt Ramsey County
-Disability Services intake worker: Ramsey County

Case Description
15-year-old female with a history of depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, as well as some behavioral concerns. Pt has had three hospitalizations in the past year, has done PHP, JDC, outpatient.


Residential Treatment – Referrals have been sent to the following facilities:
-Avanti (Referral submitted 10/26, DECLINED)
-Gerard Academy (Referral submitted 10/26; Update received 12/14: Unable to admit due to elopement risk but otherwise approved, will leave on list to review level of risk moving forward; currently under re-review)
-North Homes (ACCEPTED; County funding needed; openings in March/April)

PRTF – Referrals have been sent to the following facilities:
-Grafton (Referral submitted 10/23; pt does not meet exclusionary criteria)
-Nexus East Bethel (Referral sent; only accepting pt’s with MA insurance at this time; will refer once County confirms MA insurance)

Outpatient Services:
Establish CMHCM through Ramsey County (Referral submitted 10/23; 1/10 intake worker states the long term worker will be assigned tomorrow)
Continue existing outpatient services:
-Therapy/Therapist:Minnesota Mental Health Clinic in Woodbury
-Prescriber/Medication Management: Nystrom & Associates
-MCRC Runaway Intervention Program at Children’s
-PO Ramsey County
-Disability Services intake worker Ramsey County

Case Descreption:
15-year-old female with a history of depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, as well as some behavioral concern. Patient has exhausted several outpatient supports including school in a smaller setting, Childrens hospital, as well as Maplewood PHP, DBT, and engagement with MCRC, JDC and two other shelter placements. Third hospitalization this year.


Update: 1/15/24- Patient has been accepted by Nexus with an admission date of 1/16/24!!

Patient presented to the ER from out of state due to being kicked out of residential treatment for elopements and aggression towards staff and peers. She was boarded in the ER for a significant amount of time before being admitted to the mental health unit for boarding. Patient has CHIPS case though parents are actively involved in her care. Patient has an extremely high risk of elopement and has a history of being sexually trafficked while on elopement. Patient struggles with conduct, low academic performance, and history of aggression. She has had 2 rule 20 assessments and was found incompetent. Patient has been declined from PRTF’s from over 25 states.


Update- 1/11/24- The patient has been accepted to MNCCS respite home with a planned admission date of 1/17/24!!!!! Thank you to this facility!!

The patient presented to the ER for the second time on 8/22 via law enforcement for aggressive behavior after she assaulted a staff member at the group home and attempted to bite, throw things, and hit staff upon arrival to the ER resulting in restraints and IM Zyprexa. She had been in the ER earlier in the day after intentionally swallowing a rock in an attempt to get out of her group home and was subsequently discharged back to her group home following psychiatric assessment. Of note, she presented to the ER 3 additional times over the week prior to admission for similar presentations and is well known to the ER due to multiple presentations of pseudoseizures, aggression, and suicide ideation.

She was admitted to the unit after her group home provided a suspension of services notice with the requirement of medication adjustment to be completed in order to return to the group home. Medication adjustments were made, and she has been psychiatrically and physically stable since at least October though she is not able to return to her group home until additional staff are hired and trained.


Discharging to Gerard on 1/10

Patient presented from Bar None shelter after A verbal altercation. Had been in Bar None RTC however got into a physical altercation several days prior and moved to the shelter on a behavior contract. When patient became verbally agitated, patient was sent to ED and is now discharged from the facility. Patient denies MH symptoms, has no placement. Guardian reports referring patient to North Homes and Gerard who report several month wait lists.


Update 1/24- County funding for RTC denied on 12/26, now following alternate recommendations as determined by the county. DC was scheduled for 1/4, due to parent request, rescheduled for 1/5.

Hospital Recommendation is RTC-
Avanti -referral made, accepted, intake 12/28/23
North Homes- referral made, reviewing, no immediate openings
Gerard- referral made, accepted, intake 1/9/24

Alternate Plan:
Mobile Crisis Team (Referral sent by CMHCM)
Day Treatment- Christian Family Solutions (Referral sent by CMHCM, waitlist to about 1/19/24)
Intensive family therapy (Referral to be sent by CMHCM)
PCP- Marlene Jilek, APRN (Mankato Clinic)
Therapy- Claire Alexander, MS, LPCC at PrairieCare Mankato (Availability as soon as next week, requests patient guardian call to schedule appointments)
CMHCM- Nicole Wigern (Blue Earth County)

Presenting Problems: Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD, SI/SIB, Inpatient for the third time this year, has done PHP twice this year


Patient brought from foster placement as foster family was going out of town and no other placement could be located for patient in the interim, therefore county brought to ED for shelter. History of sexual assault charges and schizophrenia. Patient denies MH concerns currently. Unclear if foster family will take patient back when they return. Patient is accepted to an RTC in PA however ICPC needs to be completed by county and timeline for completion is unclear.


Patient was in Prairie Lake JDC and his ‘time was served’. County did not have a place for him and reported a judge ordered for a sheriff to drive him from there to ANW for acute MH care. He does not need IP MH care, Crow Wing County does not have a place for him. They are connected with Solutions, working on group home placement.

Patient placed at Crisis respite hotel.


Patient presented to the ED after threatening father and becoming agitated. Father refusing to pick up or allow to discharge to another family member. Patient with SUD concerns and after completing CD assessment, recommended for residential SUD treatment. Referrals being made for this, parents will not pick up until treatment is secured.