
Update on 8/17/23 – still waiting placement, relocated to peds area, not admitted, still an ED patient.

Patient is ward of state with guardianship by Otter Tail County. On a stay of commitment. Terrible trauma history and aggression – toward inanimate objects, but occ if staff gets close, she will be aggressive toward a person. Multiple hospitalizations/boarding situations, multiple (5-6) PRTF placements and failures, including an out of state facility that was suddenly shut down. Was in Rochester for hotel with respite, but they brought her in after less than a week due to behaviors. Struggles to regulate when frustrated.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, and suicidal ideation. Patient was brought in by EMS after the police were called due to patient becoming physically aggressive towards her 4 year old cousin. Patient said that that her older cousin started to film her when she was becoming physcially aggressive. Per patient, she called 911 on her cousin. Patient then became aggressive towards police, and EMS was called. Patient was placed in restraints and given medication. Patient reported that she made suicidal statements during the incident, but that she did not mean them. She tends to say she wants to kill herself when she’s mad. Patient reports that she has never attempted to hurt herself, and has no intention on doing so. Patient has been off of her medications since June due to her insurance no longer covering them. Patient has been staying with her cousin, while her mom is on vacation. Patient’s cousin is refusing to let her return due to her aggressive behavior.
Patient has had several therapists in the past, and has been to day treatment.


History of DMDD and ODD with worsening of extreme violent outbursts since March without known trigger or stressor. Kicked out of PHP due to aggression, sent to SERCC and brought here from SERCC after an aggressive event. Family concerned about home safety.


Patient is presented to the ED by EMS for aggressive behavior towards staff and another resident in his group home. At the group home staff brought the patient out to his school transportation but the patient became dysregulated when he saw the driver was different from prior trips. Patient then eloped to a neighbor’s house where he entered. Staff followed and called the police. Patient was brought back to the group home, but later got into a physical fight with another resident and staff member. Police were called a second time, and patient was transported to the hospital using restraints. The patient has a history of ED visits and has had approximately 6 previous hospital admissions (5/21; 7/21; 10/21; 11/21; 12/21; 9/22). The patient has a diagnosis history of DMDD, ODD, ADHD, GAD, depression, and RAD


Patient is under the guardianship of Swift County, and presented to the ED from his group home in Hennepin County. Patient got upset after being denied an outing, and went out to the road (not a busy road) and threatened suicide by getting hit by a car. Police were called, and patient was taken back to his group home where he made homicidal threats towards a neighbor. Group home staff then requested patient be seen by the emergency department. Patient has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations. Patient reports frequent suicide attempts with methods unlikely to harm him, such as tying shoestrings around neck. Patient has a history of self-harm.


14 year old with significant trauma history, ward of Olmsted, previously residing in kinship foster placement but repeatedly eloped. Refuses to participate in therapy as an outpatient. Verbally defiant at times but no significant aggression toward caregivers; can have reactive physical fights with peers at school but not unprovoked. County has guardianship since November 2022, but he does have actively involved aunt/uncle who will be the targets for permanency planning.


History of PTSD, RAD, ODD, mood issues, adopted at age 6, multiple foster placements prior. Struggling for many years, 4 suicide attempts fall 2021, placed in a shelter in St Paul and targeted by a sex trafficker and eloped for 2 weeks, repeatedly assaulted, given drugs. Admitted to SEY program at Heartland Girls Ranch March 2022, unsuccessfully discharged October 2022 after assaulting a peer. Receiving school-based CD services through ALC, but no mental health services. Case manager working on residential but no success. Admitted to hospital 1/23/23 after massive OD triggered by breakup. Medically cleared 1/27, declined by all inpatient psych because of assault history. Suicidality has resolved, no behavioral issues. She eloped from the peds floor on 3/16/23 and had to be brought back to the ED by law enforcement. Hospitalization not recommended; county looking at outside placement options.


12 year old with trauma history, in-utero cocaine exposure, long history of behavioral outbursts with adoptive parents, participating in CIBS since November and moved to Phase 2 at Gerard in early January, but struggled and was sent to the ED within 48 hours due to severe outburst at Gerard. Appears to have mild autism spectrum disorder (difficulty with transitions, sensory sensitivity, communication struggles), and likely PTSD related to attempted kidnapping and multiple sexual assaults spring 2022. Has started Vyvanse, Prazosin, and Fluoxetine while boarding, and she has had much less extreme behavioral outbursts, has not needed IM or restraint in weeks. Oppositional, but generally can be verbally redirected. Outbursts tend to be tied to her difficulty with flexibility – eg when meals or medications arrive at slightly different times, or one nurse implements different TV rules than another – will start swearing, sometimes escalating to head-banging, but generally is able to calm on her own when given space (intervening/talking/etc once she is starting to dysregulate tends to escalate rather than de-escalate her). Has loving parents and want her in their home, but fear they cannot keep her safe right now. Regarding running – hasn’t tried to elope from peds floor. Sometimes ran from school or home when upset, walks around neighborhood and comes back. Issues at school have been more blowing up and headbanging. Update as of 4/11 still in ED


Patient is presented to the ED by EMS after getting into an altercation with his mother. Patient threatened mother, and ran away from home. Police found the patient three hours later and was brought to the hospital. Patient has a history of mental health issues, aggression, and is currently on probation for making terroristic threats at his school.


16 year old, county ward, who has been at Gerard Academy for 1.5 months and had escalating SI in the context of conflict with peers at Gerard and then ultimately learning that father’s parental rights were terminated. Long previous history of neglect and possible abuse, multiple family members with substance use disorders. At Gerard was leaving the facility and finding sharps to potentially harm himself with. Initially was recommended for inpatient psychiatric care, but declined by all facilities due to history of aggression or behavioral issues in those facilities previously. Eventually acute SI resolved while boarding in the ED, but as plans have been made to work on return to Gerard, he has repeatedly stated he does not want to go back there and will hurt himself or others if he does. His case manager reports that similar statements have arisen repeatedly in the past as placement facilties start to challenge him and seem to serve the function of avoiding difficult emotions. Currently trying to work with Gerard staff and case manager to help him safety plan for a return to Gerard.