
Patient came to our ED after a physical altercation with another resident at Aspen House, is not able to return there. Has been to multiple shelters and RTCs in the past, success with some of these programs. County is looking at other shelters as well as waiting for a previous provider to send recommendation for PRTF. Has been denied by VOA Bar None- all programs, can’t return to Von Wald shelters, discharged previously from Prairie Care, and can’t return to Aspen. 3rd time in the ED in a month.


5/2 Update: Client has been discharged home twice (contracted for safety) and returned within 24 hours due to attempting to run into traffic. Has been approved for PRTF and referrals have been made to Northwoods (2 year waitlist) and Grafton. Inpt behavioral health is not an option due to previous stays. CABHH referral pending and they are attempting to admit pt when they have discharges.

Presented with attempted suicide on 4/4 (superficial laceration on arm). Also attempted to overdose on Lithium on 4/2. Appears to have a developmental delay. Denied at multiple inpt facilities due to previous aggression. Turns 18 in July.


Came to our ED after physical altercation with another resident at Prairie Care Residential, can not return there. History of multiple inpatient admissions and PHP. Grandma is guardian and pt is unable to return there due to another child living there that pt can’t be placed with. CMH worker has made multiple RTC referrals and patient has been denied by almost all. Currently looking into a RTC out of state in TN, however this provider does not have a contract so would be a long time before this placement was obtained. Also looking at shelter options.


Update 4/23/24: Patient discharged from inpatient on 4/23/24. Patient scheduled to begin PrairieCare PHP on 4/24/24 while continuing to pursue Group Home placement as recommended by the county.

Patient is a 14-year-old female presenting to inpatient on 03/19/2024 from the ED due to running away from shelter placement. Patient has a history of participating in PHP two times, DBT, ongoing outpatient mental health services, and being in shelter placement.

Discharge Plan:
-North Homes (on the wait list)

CD-RTC: Referrals submitted/considered for the following facilities:
-Hazelden (Pt’s insurance not accepted in Minnesota)
-Rogers (Declined due to elopement risk)
-M Health Fairview (Declined due to elopement risk)
-Anthony Louis Center (referral sent 03/27/24)

Group Home Placement (as recommended by JST/county):
-Little Sands (Referral submitted by CM; declined d/t LON)
-Village Ranch (Referral submitted by CM; reviewing 4/10; pending additional review on 4/17)
-North Homes (Pt is on the waitlist for RTC; pt is not eligible for their group home due to age)

Existing Outpatient Providers:
CHMCH: Hennepin County
Psychiatry: Nystrom & Associates


Came to ED 4/5 after some property destruction at family home. Previously in FV’s PHP program. Mom refusing to pick up and refusing family first services in home. County now has temporary custody for out of home placement, has not been in out of home placement previously. Ongoing CPS worker assigned 4/18 and is starting placement search.


Pt was in residential at Prairie Care and was discharged due to behaviors/property destruction/aggression, not allowed to return. Just switched custody from one CPS worker to another so details of history are not complete, but information is being gathered. Know she was previously in out of state placement in Oklahoma where she was discharged due to physical aggression. County is looking at VOA- Bar None Haven and Nexus East Bethel, and hospital is referring to Nexus YCT.


Pt came to ED 3/25 after being on the run for a few weeks. Was previously at hotel crisis respite prior to being on the run, damaged property there and can not return. County is current guardian, though patient turns 18 very shortly and will be his own guardian at that time. History of behaviors, verbal and physical aggression and property destruction. Has been denied from shelters due to behaviors and previously denied from RTCs in and out of state, though due to age would no longer be an option. Refuses all mental health services and has not had a DA since 2020. Is on CADI waiver. Recommendation on weekly call to discuss benefits of IRTS program/treatment with him.


This patient presented to Ridgeview Medical Center via P.D. after running from his home. He was found in the woods nearby his home with a knife (patient has an ankle monitoring device). Patient reportedly desires out-of-home placement and verbalized plans to use the knife to harm kids who bully him at school. Patient has a significant history of running away from home with more than 30 reported incidents. Patient maintains a desire not to return home at this time. Carver Co. holds temporary decision making authority over patient, by court order.


Patient presented from Prairie Care PHP due to aggression and dysregulated behaviors. PHP unwilling to accept patient back, mother unwilling to take home at this time and cites need for RTC. No RTC referrals made currently. Patient needs support in short term placement while outpatient team supports long term plan and placement. Has been in the ED 4 other times. Back and forth from ED to home. No letter of rec. for residential at the moment. Working on it. There is a case mgr, working on a care conference currently.


Behavioral issues, parent takes him on a leash when taking him out of the home. Physically and verbally aggressive to parent(s) and others (peers and staff). Throws items, pulls fire alarms, attempts to elope. Receives CTSS services and has demonstrated significant behaviors within those services. Had been in homebound school program, attempted re-entry into school setting and on first day back, damaged property and assaulted staff as well as directing violence towards peers, resulting in transfer to ER for placement. Treatment team questioning consistency of receiving medications appropriately in the home setting and are recommending residential treatment or a shelter bed until residential treatment can be secured.