
UPDATE: 9/7/23 – discharged to AMAS Inc (CADI group home)
UPDATE: 8/31/23 – Care conf tomorrow. Accepted by Sunset House, having zoom meeting with patient today to get to know him better before transition- waiting on them to get licensing.
UPDATE: 8/17/23 – Still in ED. Not able to go to Mille Lacs due to non-participation. There is a CADI group home willing to take him, working on licensing.
UPDATE 7/27 – had a video interview with Nexus Mille Lacs on 7/26, awaiting updates.

Previously MCR 1086: Discharged 6/15/23 to VonWald, returned ED 6/30. 14 year old with significant trauma history, ward of Hennepin County, recent placement at his request with young adult brother that was disrupted due to conflict. Briefly placed at Von Wald shelter but repeatedly eloped in an effort to reunite with his brother, and was brought to the ED. Calm overall except when relocated to a unit that required observation while in the restroom, then repeatedly escalated with verbal threats, closing himself in the bathroom, and hitting the walls. Had an interview with Nexus Mille Lacs on 7/26/23. He is familiar with Nexus Gerard and would feel comfortable there.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, and suicidal ideation. Patient was brought in by EMS after the police were called due to patient becoming physically aggressive towards her 4 year old cousin. Patient said that that her older cousin started to film her when she was becoming physcially aggressive. Per patient, she called 911 on her cousin. Patient then became aggressive towards police, and EMS was called. Patient was placed in restraints and given medication. Patient reported that she made suicidal statements during the incident, but that she did not mean them. She tends to say she wants to kill herself when she’s mad. Patient reports that she has never attempted to hurt herself, and has no intention on doing so. Patient has been off of her medications since June due to her insurance no longer covering them. Patient has been staying with her cousin, while her mom is on vacation. Patient’s cousin is refusing to let her return due to her aggressive behavior.
Patient has had several therapists in the past, and has been to day treatment.



Patient is a 14-year-old female with history of depression, anxiety, SI, SIB, trauma and aggressive behaviors. Has participated in PHP, RTC, and inpatient levels of care. Insured by Medicaid.

Primary Recommendation-
Establish Day Treatment (Patient currently refuses)
Continue CMHCM- Family Wise Services, contracted by Hennepin County
Establish outpatient individual therapy (CM is scheduling)
Establish med management (CM is scheduling)

Discharge has been attempted. Mother/LG will not accept patient back into the home. Patient was living at Passageways Shelter prior to admission and mother/LG consents for shelter placement at discharge. Patient’s aunt/uncle had agreed to take patient in with consent from LG, but aunt declined to pick patient up on day of scheduled discharge and rescinded the offer to accept patient.

Patient needs shelter placement due to family dynamics, thus the following are pursued-
Consider The Bridge for Youth (Denied d/t reported severity of aggression towards mother)
Consider Passageways (Denied again as of 8/16/23)
Consider Brittany’s Place (Denied d/t parent is still LG and would need to complete VPA)
Consider Hope House (No current availability, call back once per week to check)
Consider Itaskin Center Shelter (Referral sent by SW, additional referral needed by CMHCM)
Consider VOA Bar None Shelter (Referral sent by SW, additional referral needed by CMHCM)
Consider Ain Dah Yung Center (Referral sent by CMHCM, no current availability)

Consider RTC, as previously recommended by CMHCM prior to admission*-
Nexus-Gerard (Referral started by CMHCM, clinical sent by SW, awaiting records from CRTC for determination)
CRTC (Referral started by CMHCM, clinical sent by SW, declined for admission due to IQ)

*QRTP Pre Placement Screening with Hennepin County needed to approve funding for QRTP.

Estimated length of stay:
Patient is medically ready for discharge as of 7/18/23


Patient has a history of ADHD, DMDD, and trauma. He presented to the emergency trauma center with foster provider following an anger outburst where he hit himself. Patient also made comments about killing himself and threatened to kill another child in the home. Patient is unable to return to foster home.


History of DMDD and ODD with worsening of extreme violent outbursts since March without known trigger or stressor. Kicked out of PHP due to aggression, sent to SERCC and brought here from SERCC after an aggressive event. Family concerned about home safety.


State of MN is trying to find a way to build his own home, timing TBD.

Aggressive, DD, low IQ – 40-50, FAS, ward of state, targeted case mgr. Was provisionally discharged from CABHH, not allowed to return. Perhaps a plan is a state run group home, in development?


Patient is presented to the ED by EMS for aggressive behavior towards staff and another resident in his group home. At the group home staff brought the patient out to his school transportation but the patient became dysregulated when he saw the driver was different from prior trips. Patient then eloped to a neighbor’s house where he entered. Staff followed and called the police. Patient was brought back to the group home, but later got into a physical fight with another resident and staff member. Police were called a second time, and patient was transported to the hospital using restraints. The patient has a history of ED visits and has had approximately 6 previous hospital admissions (5/21; 7/21; 10/21; 11/21; 12/21; 9/22). The patient has a diagnosis history of DMDD, ODD, ADHD, GAD, depression, and RAD


Pt has had 4 psychiatric hospitalizations, PHP twice, and outpatient services. Needing RTC and bridging plan. >Discharge from PC Inpatient is 5/11 at 1400, will discharge home until RTC.

Discharge Plan:
Avanti (Referral made, declined for admission due to history of aggression)
North Homes (Referral made, 6-8 week waitlist)
Village Ranch (Referral made, pending acceptance)
Gerard (referral made; pending acceptance)
Northwood (referral not made; waitlist over 6 months)
Newport Academy (referral not made; insurance not accepted)
Grafton (CMHCM making referral; though likely doesn’t meet criteria due to no ASD/ID/DD diagnosis)
CRTC (referral placed)

Interim Plan:
Consider PCR (referral not made; insurance not accepted though possibility for a county contract- connecting county worker and PCR)
Continue Psychiatry at Nystrom and Associates
Continue Probation services at Goodhue County
Continue CMHCM at Fernbrook
Establish Family therapy at Nystrom and Associates.
Establish CADI worker at Goodhue County

update as of 6.22.23 – Denied acceptance at CRTC due to aggression and lack of buy in


History of PTSD, RAD, ODD, mood issues, adopted at age 6, multiple foster placements prior. Struggling for many years, 4 suicide attempts fall 2021, placed in a shelter in St Paul and targeted by a sex trafficker and eloped for 2 weeks, repeatedly assaulted, given drugs. Admitted to SEY program at Heartland Girls Ranch March 2022, unsuccessfully discharged October 2022 after assaulting a peer. Receiving school-based CD services through ALC, but no mental health services. Case manager working on residential but no success. Admitted to hospital 1/23/23 after massive OD triggered by breakup. Medically cleared 1/27, declined by all inpatient psych because of assault history. Suicidality has resolved, no behavioral issues. She eloped from the peds floor on 3/16/23 and had to be brought back to the ED by law enforcement. Hospitalization not recommended; county looking at outside placement options.


Patient presented from group home with aggression, breaking things. He has chronic aggressive behaviors. He was admitted to Hawthorn Center state hospital in 6/21-7/22. During his admission, patient’s mom passed away and he was placed in Beacon Crisis Residence. Patient had a prolonged stay in UMMC ED September 2022-October 2022 and was discharged to RTC in TN. Patient was discharged from the facility in TN due to concerns with the facility and was returned MN. He was brought from the airport to Children’s Hospital on 1/11/23-1/13/23 and was discharged and immediately brought to UMMC ED by parent and county worker. He was in UMMC ED 1/13/23-2/7/23 and was started on Zyprexa ODT due to cheeking medications. He was eventually discharged to crisis home. Patient then returned for further concerns of medication non adherance and exacerbation of psychotic symptoms. He had inpatient admission on Inpatient mental health at UMMC from 2/15/23-3/12/23. Patient was discharged to respite house with additional wrap around services. Patient has had 4 ED encounters since that time. Patient discharged to his group home on 5/1/23 and returned to ED on 5/2/23 due to aggressive behaviors. Patient is unable to return to group home.