
Recommendation for level 5 QRTP or level 6 PRTF. Patient is currently in psychiatric inpatient hospitalization.
Ten-year-old female patient with a history of in utero exposure and early childhood trauma and attachment concerns, with a historical diagnosis of FASD-Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopment Disorder (ARND). Patient presents with emotional dysregulation, violent threats and aggression, as well as passive suicidal ideation. Patient has been hospitalized multiple times and participated in several outpatient services.

Discharge Plan:
RTC (recommendation letter sent to CMHCM who is requesting county screening meeting)
-Nexus Gerard (referral sent, reviewing, will hear back week of 9/2)
-Northwood (referral submitted, next opening end of year, will review for acceptance at that time)
-North Homes (declined due not have staffing to meet needs related to aggression, SW requested reconsideration; declined 8/21)

PRTF (PRTF eligibility form sent to DHS 8/16)
-Nexus East Bethel (referral submitted w/PRTF eligibility approval 9/4)
-Grafton (referral submitted w/PRTF eligibility approval 9/4)
Bridging with Day tx
-Catholic Charities (referral pending although may not consider d/t RTC rec, IEP sent, 8 person WL)

Current Providers:
Med Management- Mayo Clinic
CM- Dakota County
CADI waiver- Dakota County contracted provider


Pt came to our ED on 8/10 from Grandparents home who were providing foster care and there was an altercation. Grandparents are refusing to take pt back. Hennepin County CPS/ICWA have temp custody. Pt not appropriate for IP due to fecal incontinence and struggles with communication. County is looking for DD waiver CRS and doing a MNchoices assessment on 8/16.


Patient presented to the ER via law enforcement for homicidal ideation towards his foster family (maternal aunt) and biological brother and had threatened them with a knife. Was removed from his biological home in June due to neglect, abuse, domestic abuse, substance use in the home. Patient with dissociative episodes and resorting back to small child like behaviors.


Patient presents to the ER from PRTF twice in the same day after boarding for an extended period of time due to aggression towards staff. She has since been discharged from the PRTF as they felt a higher level of care was indicated. She is currently doing well here with intermittent verbal escalations though does struggle with peer relationships. She does express visual and auditory hallucinations though these do appear to be related to trauma.


Patient presented via law enforcement to the St. Cloud ETC after eloping from mother’s home and found wandering on Highway 10. Initially aggressive/combative with law enforcement. Patient was cleared for discharge but refused to go with mom, because combative and required PRN to calm down. Was kept overnight. Patient’s mom refused to pick patient up once cleared for discharge due to his ongoing aggressive behaviors. CPS is involved and a new report was filed.

Police hold initiated 7/9/24 and CHIPs petition is being pursued. County CPS worker is seeking foster care placement.

Update (7/18)- Court hearing for CHIPs petition. County CPS case worker is continuing to look for foster care placement. Patient will have twice weekly phone calls with his mother.


Brought to ER after assaultive behavior towards group home staff. Since being in the ER, patient has denied SI/HI and been behaviorally regulated with the exception of one incident after being here for 6 days, and was asked to go to his room to avoid potential problems with other patient’s in the ER and he was upset and got restrained. He’s been up for discharge back to his group home since the day he presented to the ER. The county worker has been main contact with group home and are trying to problem solve ways to support patient at the group home. Ombudsmen involved.

Update 7/10 – patient remains boarded, now on EmPATH unit (observation unit/extension of ER) without aggression or behaviors. County guardian making referrals for placement options including respite, crisis, group home, shelter


On 7/8/24, patient was told he would be spending time with his mother, to which patient had a negative response, causing patient to assault his father and run away. Police located patient at a local middle school just before patient ran across a highway and had to be sedated by EMS due to safety concerns.

Pt has dx that include: reactive attachment d.o., disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections), ADHD, ODD, OCD, pervasive social communication d.o., with low non-verbal skills, high verbal skills, low memory skills, and average IQ.


Under Hennepin County custody. Came to the hospital after assaulting a peer and staff at crisis respite. Has been in multiple placements (residential, group homes, foster care and shelters) and has been terminated from them due to aggression. There were concerns for psychosis prior to admission but symptoms have stabilized with medication.


Adopted at birth with in utero meth exposure. Several inpatient, residential and outpatient avenues explored both instate and out of state. Patient is declined or asked to leave to due aggression to peers. Juvenile system has discharged back to mental health. Engages in self harm, significant aggression, stealing and fraud, fire setting, etc.


Pt arrived in our ED on 5/23. She had previously been at Children’s Hospital (inpatient) for 40 days, went to a crisis placement for around 24 hours when she started to aggress physically and was brought to our ED. Crisis respite refuses to accept pt back. Has diagnosis of autism and lower IQ, unsure of the number. Was a recent DA completed by Nystrom that team is waiting on to submit referrals for residential. Mom refuses out of state options at this time. Has name in crisis bed pool via MCCP, on DD waiver.