
Brought to the ER via mom for assessment of suicidal ideation following an argument with guardians resulting in behavioral dysregulation and hitting their head into the wall and sitting on the driveway in inappropriate weather wear. Patient has a long history of psychiatric services and continues to struggle with emotional dysregulation. Parents requesting residential level of care.


Patient was brought to the ER for assessment of suicidal ideation after locking herself in the bathroom with broken glass following an argument with parents. Patient has ongoing cannabis abuse despite participating in 3 treatment programs and has no desire to stop. Patient struggles with taking accountability for her actions. Patient also with history of suicide attempts and legal charges related to stealing parent’s vehicles and assaulting mom.


Presented from Newport Academy on 1/7/25. Patient engaged in property destruction and made suicidal comments. Patient admitted to Newport in November. Patient was administratively discharged at the end of December. Patient has a history of running/eloping and is believed to have been trafficked to Ohio in October. Patient was tracked down by his cell phone and detained by law enforcement at a juvenile detention center in Cleveland. Patient returned to MN and was admitted to Newport. Not meeting criteria for acute inpatient psychiatric placement. Long-term placement in a secure/locked facility is recommended.


Patient sent to Cambridge medical center ED due to aggression and numerous ED visits from Bar None. Bar None discharging the patient.


12 year old, history of trauma with subsequent depression and anxiety ADHD and anxiety. Multiple treatment interventions at PHP. Patient reports that depression has been worsening over the last several months and has becoming more difficult to manage. Patient reports ongoing suicidal ideation and difficulty thinking about anything in the future that would be of benefit. Patient reports ongoing mood disorder low mood low energy reports difficulty with school reports anxiety.


Previously diagnosed with depression, anxiety, PTSD . Numerous admissions to psychiatric hospitals and Emergency Departments because of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and self-injury. History of CPS, county mental health case managers and crisis services. Plan to jump off a bridge. Self injury has included cutting, scratching, burning and head banging.


History of present problem: pt endorsed SI and having thoughts/plan to slit his wrists with a knife, which he has access to at his dad’s house, and endorsed self harm via cutting in recent past. Pt reports feeling isolated due to lack of consistent phone connection.

**Aggression is verbal and throwing objects (no contact)
**MnCHOICES Assessment referral made
**Psychiatry scheduled at BHSI – Brooklyn Center


Came to us 12/9 after altercation at home with sister. Was recently inpatient for 9 days until 12/5. Parents are refusing to pick pt up. County has offered to set up CTSS services for family immediately and family refuses to work with the current Case Manager. No one is currently recommending out of home placement. Parents are wanting RTC. Has CADI waiver and contracted CM. We are continuing to work with the family and team to get her home.


Came to our ED on 11/28 following and altercation at home with Grandma who is custodian, that led her to eloping 11/27 and then was picked up by police. Grandma is refusing to let her return. CPS is getting involved as family situation is complicated and not ideal. Previously boarded in our ED 4/24-5/29. Has previously been denied by most residential programs. Needing an updated DA- which County and our team are trying to work on, but due to previous residential denials are not confident this will help with placement. Has CMH worker.


The patient is a 16 year-old female that presented to the ED on 11/11/24 from PHP via EMS after attempting to stab herself in the arm with a pen. This is the same concern which has led patient to having multiple ETC visits and this being her 4th psychiatric hospitalization, all since October 2023 (attempted PHP x2 though was brought to the ER due to stabbing herself with a pen in the arm). Patient was placed on a county emergency protective hold with CHIPS now in place. Patient and parents open to residential treatment.