
ASD, Aggression, DD, language impairment. Has failed at 2 group homes since being on this list.


ASD, aggression, IQ70, delayed in function, requires staffing support, limited space in a hospital room, he goes to school, he would have a hard time interacting/engaging with others.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression. Patient became escalated at home, following his PCA staff leaving for the night. Details on the escalation are unclear at this time. Patient is diagnosed with Autism with little to no verbalization. Patient has a case manager, PCA support for before and after school until 8 pm, and on weekends from 8 am – 8 pm. Patient has a history of biting himself, scratching himself, and aggressive behaviors towards others. Patient historically escalates before/after school, and after his PCA staff leave for the night. Patient has been to the ED 19 times in 2023, due to aggression/symptoms of ASD.


Patient presents with SI and HI and auditory hallucinations. Attempted to wrap blanket around his neck in the ER on 10/28/23 in an attempt to end his life. Hears voices telling him to hurt others. Intellectual disability (FSIQ 67)


Patient presents to the ED via EMS after his group home called 911 due to patient’s aggression. Patient reports that he threw a stool at staff when they asked him to go to bed. Group home to determine whether they will take him back.
Patient has a previous mental health diagnosis of Mood Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Nocturnal Enuresis, Anxiety, ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Medical records indicate patient presented with similar behaviors to the ED, including defiance, a history of emotional and behavioral dysregulation, and acting out towards staff.
This is patient’s 6th visit in the ED in 2023 for behavioral and/or mental health.


Patient arrived via EMS due to her mother calling 911 after the patient made suicidal comments at home and conflict with her mother. Patient was engaging in sexual behavior with a strange, in exchange for drugs. Patient went home and told her mother what she did, passively stating she wanted to kill herself.
The patient has a history of risky sexual behavior, self-harm, and suicidal ideation. Patient also has a history of physical and verbal altercations with others including family and EMS / hospital / treatment staff, and has a history of 3 suicide attempts, most recent attempt was 1 year ago by ingesting bleach.
Patient has a past psychiatric history of ASD, ADHD, MDD, GAD, and Cannabis Use disorder.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression. Patient has prior diagnosis of ASD, ADHD, Intellectual Disability, and Mood Disorder. Patient has prior presentations for behavioral issues and outbursts at United, Mercy, and Abbott. Patient lives with his mother and 5 other siblings. Patient and his family were outside, when he says his sister started mocking him. Patient hit his sister twice, and then his brother. Patient then came up behind his mother, as if to hit her, and his brother stepped in. Patient’s mother is refusing to pick him up.
Patient’s family is moving this week, and he does not want to move.


Pt is brought to the ED by law enforcement due suicidal ideations. Pt has a long standing mental health history. She Has been hospitalized innumerable amounts of times for suicidal ideations. In August alone, she was hospitalized for mental health twice. She has a case worker with social services who is supposedly working on long term placement for her. She is living at home again. In the past, it has been shown that this living situation is not ideal and she has innumerable mental health hospitalizations as she reports self harm and suicidal ideation and plans. 2 days ago, she was walking in the road hoping to get hit by a car. The sheriff was called and pt removed herself from the road and went back home with her mother. Crisis team was called again last night. Pt was outside walking and threatening self harm for 12 hours. Her CSS worker was there during this time. She threatened to hang herself with the clothes line. She finally agreed to go home and watched TV until she fell asleep. She slept until 1:30 pm today. Tonight she was at the church and took a cord and wrapped it around her neck threatening self harm. Law enforcement was contacted as she was refusing to leave the church. She was brought to the ED for evaluation.
Pt reports she doesn’t feel safe to return to home. She reports she wants to die and threatens to cut herself or overdose on medication.
Mother reports pt has a PCA that she stays with. This PCA is her cousin. The cousins father died and pt has not been able to go to stay with her for the last week. Pt has been staying at home with her mother, father and siblings.
Mother reports that this is overwhelming to her and her other children. Supposedly social services is working on long term placement for this patient.


UPDATE 9/14/23: Discharge date to Companion Homes set for 9.22.23
UPDATE: 9.7.23 working on a group home placement.
Patient is presented to the ED via EMS. Patient was discharged from Chelida Residential Facility after 2 years, for assaulting another client. Patient was then admitted to Winnebago Mental Health Institue in WI. Patient was discharged, and returned home to parents. Patient has since demonstrated emotional and behavioral dysregulation such as following his mother around, threatening to hit and push her. Patient also biked to his neighbors, and pulled his pants down in their driveway. Patient has a history of assaulting neighbors and is not supposed to be there.
Patient has historically received services at St. Davids, Fraser, and the MN Autism Center.


Patient presented to the ED via police due to physical and verbal aggression, threats to kill group home staff members, and damaging property. Patient became upset with group home staff after they questioned where she had received money during a shopping trip. After returning back to the group home, patient threatened to kill staff and threw a brick at their car. Group home staff report that patient is demonstrating a pattern of unsafe behavior and are not allowing her to return, citing police involvement on multiple occasions.