
Patient presented via law enforcement to the St. Cloud ETC after eloping from mother’s home and found wandering on Highway 10. Initially aggressive/combative with law enforcement. Patient was cleared for discharge but refused to go with mom, because combative and required PRN to calm down. Was kept overnight. Patient’s mom refused to pick patient up once cleared for discharge due to his ongoing aggressive behaviors. CPS is involved and a new report was filed.

Police hold initiated 7/9/24 and CHIPs petition is being pursued. County CPS worker is seeking foster care placement.

Update (7/18)- Court hearing for CHIPs petition. County CPS case worker is continuing to look for foster care placement. Patient will have twice weekly phone calls with his mother.


Patient came to ED on 7/19 from Nexus East Bethel PRTF after swallowing a foreign object. Was in our inpatient unit from 7/15-7/19 and discharged for only hours before returning. Reports that repeat behavior was pt seeking to be removed from program. Nexus PRTF is not accepting pt back at this time and Mom is unable to have pt return home. Sending referral to Nexus YCT to assist with placement.


Came to us 7/22 via EMT after aggression and property destruction at hotel crisis respite, provider wont take pt back. Previously boarding in our ED 4/5 to 4/25, with somewhat frequent ED visits between. Has previously been to VOA Bar None. Hennepin County has custody and our team was struggling with reaching the CPS worker yesterday/this morning- going to continue reaching out for further plan/details.


Brought to ER after assaultive behavior towards group home staff. Since being in the ER, patient has denied SI/HI and been behaviorally regulated with the exception of one incident after being here for 6 days, and was asked to go to his room to avoid potential problems with other patient’s in the ER and he was upset and got restrained. He’s been up for discharge back to his group home since the day he presented to the ER. The county worker has been main contact with group home and are trying to problem solve ways to support patient at the group home. Ombudsmen involved.

Update 7/10 – patient remains boarded, now on EmPATH unit (observation unit/extension of ER) without aggression or behaviors. County guardian making referrals for placement options including respite, crisis, group home, shelter


This patient was brought to the hospital by police for aggression and dysregulation exhibited at the group home. He was charged with 5th degree assault after injuring staff members at his group home. His behavior has persisted despite medication adjustments and behavioral plans. He struggles in settings where there is too much sensory input and lack of structure. He has been destroying property and presenting with escalating aggressive, dangerous behaviors, homicidal threats and sexualized behaviors. Despite his impulsive behaviors and subsequent harm to staff members, he displays no remorse, though some question of whether he is able to adequately engage in reality testing possibly related to intellectual disability.
He is a ward of the state. He was placed in foster care at age 6 after suffering from neglect by his biological family. Their rights have been terminated.


Pt came to ED from North Homes, after increase in physical/verbal aggression and 30 day notice was given and lapsed without another placement found. Was boarding in our ED in Nov 2023 prior to admit to North Homes. Planning to connect with parent/County about re-involving Nexus YCT. Some sexual inappropriate behavior making him difficult to place.


Came to ED on 7/8 after parent-child conflict, verbal altercation and mother reports she was scratched. She had been attending Fairview’s PHP program but has been minimally engaged there, reports that she prefers individual therapy over PHP. She has not had any behaviors since being in the ED. Goal is for patient to return to family with services, but Mom has not been agreeable to pick up yet, continuing to work on services to support the family and see if pt can return home.


Update: Discharging today 6/20 to hotel crisis respite

Came to the ED this time on 6/9, after refusing to do chores and punching a wall and tree. Dad is refusing to pick up. Was previously in our ED 5/4-5/18 and 5/25-5/28, returned home with Dad both of those times. Case Manager is looking for waiver paid placement, and has been for over a month. Had interview with potential provider 6/12- they are potentially going to do a variance for him to live in adult home if accepted (he’s 3 months from 18). At baseline has some auditory hallucinations, ongoing aggression- primarily verbal, occasionally property, along with some suicidal ideation.


Patient was brought to ED after making suicidal and homicidal statements during his psychiatric medication appointment. He was evaluated and inpatient psychiatric stabilization was recommended. While in the ED he has been calm and cooperative. Denying suicidal ideation or Homicidal ideation at this time. He does recognize that he has been dysregulated and struggling to find effective coping skills. Recent increase in conflict at home. Has been engaging in self-harm. Mom does not feel safe having him in the home at this time.


Update 6/7- Pt moved to IP unit to board there
Update 6/4/24- Pt was initially in Fairview ED for 2 months, transferred to inpatient to board there for 1 month, was discharged to a foster placement for less than a week, and returned again to Fairview ED 6/4 due to behaviors, is again boarding in ED. Struggling with appropriate placement due to autism, limited verbal skills, and ongoing aggressive behaviors.
Update 5/6/24- Patient was moved to inpatient unit to manage behaviors, but still remains boarding there. No longer followed by ED team.
Update: 3/21/24 Dad is not going to take the child back. Did get MA switched to MN.
Update: Meeting today 3/14/24, potentially back to dad? Working on switching MA from WI to MN
Patient brought in from home due to aggressive behaviors. History of autism, recently returned to living with father after being in foster care in WI. Since returning to MN, has had limited services set up. Father does not feel safe taking patient home due to aggressive behaviors and other children in the home. Case managers in Wisconsin & MN working together on determining placement.