This patient is a 12 Y year-old male with a self-reported history of depression, anxiety, and ADHD who presented to the ER on 4/8/24 by EMS from his residential facility for assessment of suicidal ideation. He was a direct admit to residential from JDC where he was placed due to allegations of sexual offenses towards his 8 year old step-sister. He reports he has harmed his step-sister on multiple occasions and has been in 3 different JDC’s including Red Wing over the last year and reports he didn’t know doing those things were wrong until now. He also reports a history of defending himself against bullies as well as head butting a female staff in the chin while in juvenile detention. He has had “13 or maybe less” attempts to harm himself or end his life and has been hospitalized psychiatrically x2. He reports he has attempted to wrap a scarf around his neck, tried drowning himself in the toilet while in a juvenile detention facility, and attempted to wrap the vacuum cord around his neck. More recently attempted to jump from a stair well, got out a window, and makes attempts to look for glass to harm himself. Residential is not willing to accept him back at this time.
Psychiatric Diagnosis: Anxiety
Anxiety disorders are a group of psychiatric diagnoses that involve excessive and persistent worry or fear. These disorders can significantly impact daily life and well-being.
Update 4/12/24: Patient discharged from inpatient to home, while waiting for RTC admission.
Update 4/11/24: Patient scheduled to discharge from inpatient on 4/12/24, stepping down to outpatient supports, while waiting for RTC. Intake process is moving forward at North Homes RTC, with potential admission on 4/18 or 4/19.
Update 4/4/24: Patient has been accepted at North Homes RTC with a potential admission mid-April. Patient has now been assigned a CMHCM, waiting on screening for county funding.
Update 3/21/4: Pt is under review for acceptance at North Homes pending county funding, Waiting assigned CMHCM, parent is currently doing the intake process at the county to get a CMHCM for the Juvenile Screening.
Patient is a 14-year-old transgender male presenting at PrairieCare’s inpatient hospital. Patient presented to Sanford Bemidji Medical Center on 3/4 when parents brought them. That night while parents were away from home patient was aggressive toward sister. Family called crisis and were directed to bring to ED for evaluation. This is after a similar event last week where patient attempted to stab sister with a knife and father had to intervene.
Patient admitted to North Homes Shelter on 4/5 while awaiting North Homes RTC admission!
Update 4/3/24: Pt admitting to North Homes Shelter 4/5 at 1100 until North Homes RTC admission- Thank you, Connie!!!!
Insurance:BCBS MN PMAP
Case Description: Patient presents to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital from the ED. Prior to the ED, she was at Village Ranch RTC/group home. Patient is no longer able to return to Village Ranch as they are recommending a higher level of care that can provide more supports, she also is not able to return home at this time.
Recommendation is for level 5 QRTP.
Discharge Plan:
-Avanti Center for Girls (Referral sent)
-Gerard (Referral sent)
-North Homes (Referral sent, tentative opening beginning of May, interim North Homes Shelter)
-Village Ranch (pt unable to return due to recommending more support/higher LOC)
-CMHCM with Crow Wing County
Patient presented from North Homes due to suicidal ideation and aggressive behaviors. Patient was initially recommended for IPMH however stabilized in ED and no longer required admission. Patient has been discharged from North Homes and is in need of long-term placement as she cannot return to guardian’s home. Case manager will be working on referrals for RTC and out of home placements.
Update 4/3/24- funding in place, waiting available RTC- accepted at Gerard and North Homes. Waiting to hear back from Avanti and East Bethel.
Case Description: Patient is a 16 y/o individual w/ hx MDD, GAD, ADHD, multiple previous hospitalizations, currently presenting due to SI. Patient went to foster care after discharge in previous hospitalization at PC ( october 2023) and returned to mothers home end of Dec after 1 month. Patient was hospitalized at Prairie St Johns for 1 week ( discharged 3/8) due to intrusive SI . Patient feels she was discharged earlier than she should have been because she was still struggling w/ “feeling safe”. Patient indicated that depression /anxiety and intrusive SI improved significantly in foster care. Patient indicated during the time in foster care, patient worked on her relationship w/ mother and feels it was “helpful. Patient transitioned to mothers home and feels that overall relationship has improved and does not know why depression/SI has escalated again.
Discharge Plan: RTC (county funding approved for RTC)
-Avanti (Referral done, waiting to hear back)
-Gerard (Referral done, Accepted)
-North Homes (Referral done, Accepted, currently on waitlist, openings anticipated in June)
-Nexus East Bethel (Referral in progress)
Existing outpatient providers:
-CMHCM at Sherburne County
-Individual therapy Main Street Family Services-Elk River (Appt scheduled 3/27)
-Family therapy at Main Street Family Services-Elk River
-Primary care at Stellis Health-Monticello
-Psychiatry s at Nystrom & Associates
-In-home skills
Pt was in residential at Prairie Care and was discharged due to behaviors/property destruction/aggression, not allowed to return. Just switched custody from one CPS worker to another so details of history are not complete, but information is being gathered. Know she was previously in out of state placement in Oklahoma where she was discharged due to physical aggression. County is looking at VOA- Bar None Haven and Nexus East Bethel, and hospital is referring to Nexus YCT.
Update 3/29- Pt discharge home while waiting potential tx
16-year-old male presenting to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital. Patient has a known past psychiatric history significant for Depression, Anxiety, Polysubstance abuse. Patient has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations.
Discharge Plan:
-Dual Diagnosis RTC:
– MHealth Fairview – declined due to behaviors at previous placements
– Rogers Behavioral Health – cannot accept pts insurance
– Hazelden – cannot accept pts insurance
– MN Adult & Teen Challenge Lakeside Academy – declined due to behaviors at previous placements
– Wings – referral sent, pt denied in past
– Anthony Louis Center – CD only – declined due to dimension 3 score
– VOA Omegon Pathways – referral sent, will make determination week of 3/25/24, earliest availability mid-late Apr
Continue with currently established providers:
-Probation Officer: Swift County
Update 3/14: Planning for DC back to home 3/15. Provided mom with resources for group home placement
Patient presented to the ER via law enforcement for suicidal ideation after getting into an argument with his brother and attempted to jump out of a 3rd story window and the vehicle. Mom does not feel safe with him at home due to ongoing aggression. Patient has ABA therapy and social worker.
Pt presents with behavioral escalations from out of home placement. Pt currently in hospital with no d/c plan at this time coordinated by county. Pt has a history of trauma and sexualized behaviors.
Elopement from family home. HI towards mom, could be safely planned. Child has insight, and doesn’t want to harm mom. CPS notified, meeting with the family. Family ok with group home but county isn’t.