
Pt has has multiple psychiatric hospitalizations, is aggressive often, and very unpredictable in her behaviors. She was in an ED for about a month, and was placed at Northwoods residential treatment. She was engaging in self harm. and making threats to jump out of a window. Pt assaulted police who came to remove her from the facility for psychiatric care. Northwoods does not feel that they can keep her or the other patients safe there, so they are not willing to accept her back.


On 11/14/24 the patient’s foster parents brought him to HCMC APS after he was discharged from Children’s Hospital St Paul because of his aggressive behavior. When in APS the patient began hitting his foster mom and becoming increasingly agitated. Security had to assist in transporting the patient to an emergency department bed, where he was then put into restraints for his and others safety. He was given sedative medications, IM.
The patient has been in foster care since he was 7 years old. He was physically and emotionally abused by his biological mother. He has been hospitalized at Fariview inpatient pediatric psych for a year, where he was then transferred to a residential treatment center. He has been with his current foster parents since August 7th, 2024.


Kiddo came to us on 11/7 from East Bethel PRTF. East Bethel has discharged reporting they are unable to meet his needs based on his ongoing SI and behaviors. They are completing a referral to CABHH. Has a long history of SI. There is currently no County involvement. Aunt is working on setting up CMH services, but County has reported they don’t have any placement options. Our team will be requesting County look at approval for out of state options once they are open due to limited options in MN for this level of care.


Patient is needing an out-of-home, secure, placement, due to ongoing, chronic, safety concerns, that are unable to be managed at home. Patient is recommended to attend Residential Treatment or enter into a supportive living environment.

Patient has a significant psychiatric history including:

Psychiatric hospitalizations
-Mayo Clinic Generose 08/2019
-PrairieCare 10/29-11/11/2022
-PrairieCare 08/30-9/7/2023
-Mayo Clinic Generose 09/2023
-PrairieCare 11/8-11/20/2023
-Mayo Clinic Generose 12/2023
-Mayo Clinic Generose 04/2024
-PrairieCare 06/25-7/11/2024
-PrairieCare 07/25-8/14/2024

Residential Treatment:
-North Homes for a 35-day evaluation
-Gerard 08/2020-06/2021
-Gerard 12/2022-06/2023

Day Treatment:
-Fernbrook Family Center

Partial Hospitalization:
-Mayo Clinic November 2021, June 2022; Prairie St. John’s February 2022 and July 2022
-PrairieCare Rochester 11/16-12/21/2022
-PrairieCare Rochester 09/11-9/15/2023
-PrairieCare Rochester 09/19-10/11/2023

History of self-harm by cutting (recently daily), with one prior reported suicide attempt (by overdose, 6/2024), who re-presents to PrairieCare inpatient due to safety concerns related to self-harm by cutting, with increasing suicidal ideation and intention, with an inability to contract for safety, in the context of stressors related to school re-starting.


Patient presented to the ER following an intentional overdose to end her life and had just started PHP the week of admission. She had an additional overdose of the same medications in March 2023 and has had reported several other suicide attempts. Patient is on probation for assaulting her mother and has a history of running away, physical & verbal aggression, sexual misconduct (sending nude photos of herself to adult males for money), alcohol/chemical use, school difficulties, and parent/child conflict.


The patient is a 13 year-old female with a history of ADHD, inattentive type, anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, suicidal ideation, and self-injurious behaviors that presented to the ER following an intentional overdose in an attempt to end her life. She has had 2 previous inpatient hospitalizations. Patient has a complicated home life with several CPS reports and basically does the caretaking for her younger siblings. Patient has several tattoos given to her by her mother and sister and mother is unwell as well and frequently struggles with suicide attempts and self-harm. Sounds like a significant sexual abuse history within the entire family that may still be occurring. The patient is at risk for sexual exploitation given increased sexuality.


Kiddo came to our ED 9/25, brought in after being discharged from NW Passages, where she was for 3 months, due to elopement and being found by police. Aunt brought her to our ED. Has CMH through Anoka County who are working toward placement, concerns about SEY history and elopement.


12 yo male brought to Ridgeview Medical Center (RMC) via EMS after a verbal and physical outburst at home. Youth felt that his mother was “lying” about him to a visiting social worker and youth became aggressive, throwing dishes on the floor in the kitchen. Youth “pushed” his brother, who then pushed youth. No h/o violence or aggression at school or with individuals outside of his home. Most aggression is shown verbally towards his mother. Mother is not allowing youth back into her home right now. Carver Co. Crisis and COPE have assessed youth and are recommending psychotherapy and/or psychiatry/medication management.


Pt presented with mother to ER after taking 30 tablets of 650mg Tylenol arthritis to end her life. She has multiple superficial cuts to her right thigh. Last inpatient treatment in May 2024. Pt states she had argument with couple friends and one friend told another things and now that friend was mad at her or does not like her. This upset her enough to want to end her life.


Came to ED after altercation with mother. Ongoing family conflict between Mother and Daughter. CPS has just began getting involved on case. Currently mother is telling our team we must admit to IP and has not been willing to sign any ROIs to proceed with anything as of yet. Unable to proceed with any placements, waiting for further direction from CPS.