Kiddo was previously boarding on our IPMH unit from 10/30/24-12/11/24, then discharged to hotel crisis respite. He came to the ED multiple times end of January for behavior at the hotel crisis placement. Upon driving home from ED on 2/1, pt became aggressive in the car and was brought back to the ED again. The provider now indicated that he is unable to return to their crisis program. He has been accepted at Chelida in WI, however its reportedly a long wait list, and they may not be able to admit him until this summer. He is also on the wait list for CABHHS but it’s reported they would not have a bed for him for several months. Needing an interim crisis placement while awaiting placement at Chelida. Referral is being made for Nexus YCT to assist with placement coordination. He is suspected to have autism however the full assessment has not been completed for diagnosis. Has previously denied at Grafton, Leo Hoffman, Mille Lacs/Gerard.
Psychiatric Diagnosis: Anxiety
Anxiety disorders are a group of psychiatric diagnoses that involve excessive and persistent worry or fear. These disorders can significantly impact daily life and well-being.
Patient presented to the ER after an unprovoked stabbing of a sibling in the middle of the night requiring emergency surgery and then proceeded outside in the cold without weather appropriate clothing. Patient has chronic aggressive behaviors towards caretakers and other children.
Kiddo boarded in our ED from 11/18/24-12/18/24 after being discharged from JEC Miller GH. JEC Miller took her into a temporary placement in an apartment setting while County worked toward another permanent placement. On 1/19/25 she returned to our ED after ingesting glass and was sent to our medical floor, where she is currently boarding. County team is looking into placement options- primarily crisis respite. On CADI. Working on Nexus YCT referral to assist with placement coordination.
The patient has a history of ADHD, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, anxiety, and PTSD. Last night he became frustrated at residential treatment facility- Bar None, kicked a door with his right foot, and put a shoestring around his neck out of frustration. He states he was not trying to hurt himself and did not intend to hurt himself. Bar None completed an administrative review and will not allow his return.
Kiddo was brought into our ED on 1/9/25 by her County Case Manager. She was in residential treatment at Deveruex in FL for over a year, she then aggressed, and was charged with assault so was brought to a JDC for 21 days in FL. After that time was up, she was ordered back to MN and the County had no placement so she was brought to the ED. Ramsey County currently has custody. Their goal is a long term group home with 2:1 staffing, but are needing somewhere for pt to go in the interim. Our team tried to refer to Nexus YCT for placement assistance, but the County worker refused that service. She has been declined by Gerard and North Homes RTCs. She currently is eligible for waiver placements but a waiver worker won’t be assigned until placement is found, so the Child Family Svs worker is doing all referrals, for MH and waiver placements. County is currently refusing hotel crisis as an option.
Psychiatric history of autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, and ADHD, with no prior psychiatric hospitalizations, with no prior reported self-harm, with no prior reported suicide attempts, who presents to PrairieCare due to safety concerns after patient jumped out of his window to run away(he hurt his leg, and was found semi-hypothermic in water) due to anxiety about an upcoming court case regarding him lighting his house on fire with his family inside last month.
Brought to the ER via mom for assessment of suicidal ideation following an argument with guardians resulting in behavioral dysregulation and hitting their head into the wall and sitting on the driveway in inappropriate weather wear. Patient has a long history of psychiatric services and continues to struggle with emotional dysregulation. Parents requesting residential level of care.
Patient was brought to the ER for assessment of suicidal ideation after locking herself in the bathroom with broken glass following an argument with parents. Patient has ongoing cannabis abuse despite participating in 3 treatment programs and has no desire to stop. Patient struggles with taking accountability for her actions. Patient also with history of suicide attempts and legal charges related to stealing parent’s vehicles and assaulting mom.
Kiddo came to our ED from NW Passages in WI on 1/3. She can not return to NW Passages as she has told them she refuses to return there. She had made threats to peers and family while there and was showing increased aggression. She was only going to remain there until turning 18 this spring and then the team did not know where she was going to go next. Currently they are looking at shelters, PRTFs, and anywhere that may accept her. (We have not had a team meeting yet to get full details) There is an intake meeting with Nexus YCT today at 1pm to get their assistance with placement.
Presented from Newport Academy on 1/7/25. Patient engaged in property destruction and made suicidal comments. Patient admitted to Newport in November. Patient was administratively discharged at the end of December. Patient has a history of running/eloping and is believed to have been trafficked to Ohio in October. Patient was tracked down by his cell phone and detained by law enforcement at a juvenile detention center in Cleveland. Patient returned to MN and was admitted to Newport. Not meeting criteria for acute inpatient psychiatric placement. Long-term placement in a secure/locked facility is recommended.