
Kiddo was just boarding with us 1/9/25 – 2/19/25, prior to that was in residential in FL for almost 2 years. Discharged to treatment GH 2/19 and had been doing fairly well there. Was supposed to start school yesterday and refused. GH staff gave her the option of going to school or back to the hospital and she chose the hospital so was brought back to our ED. Staff are saying that pt cant return without being willing to go to school. Pt reports that the school scares her because it has locked doors and they do holds.


Patient presented via law enforcement after jumping in front of a vehicle in an attempt to end his life with additional thoughts to jump off of the bridge he was standing on until law enforcement intervened. Patient reports a 3 year history of auditory hallucinations that tell him to harm himself or others which occurs when he is alone or stressed. (hallucinations appear consistent with audible thoughts). This is his 4th inpatient hospitalization for suicide attempts and he has had multiple ER visits. While here, he attempted to assault a younger peer and was assaulted by a different patient. He was placed in the BICU where he has attempted to “snap” his neck on multiple occasions, head bangs, ingested hygiene supplies x1, and tied towel around his neck x1. Suicidal thoughts are perseverative when they occur and can be difficult to redirect.


Patient is a 12-year-old female, currently at PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital.
Recommendation is for level 5 QRTP. Patient’s mother is requesting PrairieCare Residential – patient has been accepted. Waiting for JST through county to obtain necessary funding.
Patient would be able to discharge to a lower level of care while awaiting admission to a QRTP, although she does not have a current placement through the county.
Patient was recently at inpatient through UMMC for 38 days waiting for a placement through the county.

She was admitted to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital on 2/2/25 due to an increase in suicidal thoughts. She has a known history significant for MDD, GAD, and PTSD.


Arrives from 180 degrees / von wald shelter after eloping. Kicked out of family home in October 2024, was homeless and found shelter at Ain Dah Yung for a time until psychiatrically hospitalized. Has been at 180 degrees since 12/26/24-2/28/25.


Patient presented to the ER with PD following being on run for one week from a trial home visit with biological parents, was in shelter prior to that. Drug of choice is meth. Initially presented with psychotic symptoms that have since cleared, which has resulted in patient being cleared by psychiatry.


17 yo female with hx of dep, anx, PTSD, eating d/o, mood lability, and personality concerns who lives with her dad and siblings in Menahga. She is in the 12th grade and reports having a 504 plan. She has a hx of around 10 inpatient hospitalizations and 3 stays in RTC. Stressors include family conflict, social stressors, and school. Family hx of MICD concerns. Patient has been struggling with worsening symptoms and safety concerns including SI with multiple plans (cut, OD, hanging, crash, etc) and SIB. She has been admitted for acute stabilization.


Pt came into our ED 2/13/25 from parent’s home after conflict there. Parents are refusing to let him return home at this time. Parents report a lot of substance use history, primarily marijuana. Has an IQ of 66 and has reportedly been denied by SUD programs due to this. Also is turning 18 in approx 2 months. Just opened to CADI waiver. Team is exploring waiver placements, long and short term, YSN shelters, seeing if IRTS might consider due to almost being 18, and exploring SUD programs that may accept IQ.


Patient is currently inpatient and are unable to move further with discharge planning due to not having a County of Financial Responsibility. Stearns County and Wadena County have both been consulted and neither have accepted responsibility at this time.

Discharge Plan:
Establish PRTF; referral made to Nexus East Bethel, INTAKE SCHEDULED 3/3/25
Establish Level 6 Program; referral made to Bar None Haven
Establish County Support/Funding; assigned for CMHCM at VOA

Continue with established outpatient providers:
-PCP: Lakewood Health System
-MM: Lakewood Health System
-Therapy: Lakewood Health System


15 y.o. female with history of childhood sexual abuse and more recent sexual exploitation in 2023 with concern for victim of sex trafficking. Presents with suicidal ideation, self-harm behaviors including substance abuse. During this admission drug screen positive for fentanyl and methamphetamine. Patient transferred from HCMC to Sacred Hearth Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit 8/23/23; long term recommendation is residential care. Substance use and placing self in high risk social situations occurs in the context of her trauma history.


Presented to ED for verbal agitation, physical aggression, significant behavior chance, suicidal ideation. Patient has also been engaging in SIB. Aggression has been ongoing for over a year and has intensified. Aggression comes on suddenly/does not seem to be predictable. Mom feels she has no control. Has an IEP for low IQ and learning difficulties. Refuses medications. Strained relationships with mother, father, and older siblings. Patient reports not having many close friends. Has engaged in lots of community and outpatient treatment options including individual therapy, family therapy, case management, school counseling, child protection, primary care, psychiatric medication management, day treatment. Has been hospitalized before at PrairieCare.