Update 5/16/24: No new information from 5/8 update. Accepted at Bar None Haven, county funding approved. QI completed with recommendation for secure residential setting that is able to accommodate both chemical dependency and mental health treatment. County is inquiring to see if this can be accommodated at Bar None Haven or if they have to look into additional placement options. Medical recommendation is locked mental health RTC. Comprehensive assessment (rule 25) recommends Mental Health Residential. Accepted at Nexus East Bethel PRTF- opening midsummer.
Update 5/8/24: Accepted at Bar None Haven, county funding approved. QI completed with recommendation for secure residential setting that is able to accommodate both chemical dependency and mental health treatment. County is inquiring to see if this can be accommodated at Bar None Haven or if they have to look into additional placement options.
Update 5/01/24: Accepted at Bar None Haven, county funding approved. Missed admissions on 3/20 and 4/30 due to county wanting to complete QI process and having VPA signed in front of a judge before approving placement.
Update 4/25/24: Accepted at Bar None Haven, second opening is now 4/30 and county approved for placement, they are not approving transition on 4/30 wanting a judge to sign the VPA in court and wait the QI process.
Accepted to Nexus East Bethel PRTF, estimated wait list out until August-September.
Update 4/17/24: County funding approved, awaiting open placement at Bar None Haven, previously missed admission due to no funding. Pending acceptance decision at Nexus East Bethel PRTF.
Update 4/3/24: Pt has MA now. CMHCM in process of being assigned and requesting preplacement screening for funding. Denied from Grafton. On waitlist at Bar None Haven, missed admission due to no funding. Pending East Bethel.
Discharge Plan:
Level 6 RTC/PRTF-
Grafton (Referral submitted; Not in network with Prime west, can contract with MA MCO’s and obtain SCA, Denied 2.8.24, re-reviewed, denied)
Nexus East Bethel (Referral submitted; pt will need straight MA; several month waitlist, now has MA so re-reviewing, accepted, admission waitlist til mid-summer)
Bar None Haven (Referral submitted, Tentative admit 3/20-3/21, dependent on county funding, county declining JST screening, requested again, approved)
CMHCM at Beltrami County (Guardian currently in communication with the county, case manager was not being assigned until pt has CD treatment, requested reconsideration)
Notably, Previous services/interventions attempted: Dual Diagnosis IOP, Outpatient therapy, outpatient psychiatry, PCP, CMHCM, CTSS, CD RTCs, Inpatient x3, JDC, previous foster placements.
CMHCM at Beltrami County (Referral completed, services in intake)
Description: Patient is a 16-year-old Native American female who has a history of depression, anxiety, ADHD, nicotine use disorder, cannabis use disorder, and unspecified trauma. Patient experiences significant impairment(s) in the area(s) of social, emotional, and academical. Patient identifies current supports as her father, sisters, and grandmother. Patient has a history of inpatient psychiatric hospitalization through PrairieCare and Prairie St. Johns.