Presented to ED for verbal agitation, physical aggression, significant behavior chance, suicidal ideation. Patient has also been engaging in SIB. Aggression has been ongoing for over a year and has intensified. Aggression comes on suddenly/does not seem to be predictable. Mom feels she has no control. Has an IEP for low IQ and learning difficulties. Refuses medications. Strained relationships with mother, father, and older siblings. Patient reports not having many close friends. Has engaged in lots of community and outpatient treatment options including individual therapy, family therapy, case management, school counseling, child protection, primary care, psychiatric medication management, day treatment. Has been hospitalized before at PrairieCare.
Psychiatric Diagnosis: ADHD
ADHD is a psychiatric diagnosis characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can significantly affect a person’s daily functioning, especially in academic and occupational settings.
Kiddo came to us on 2/2 following suicidal behaviors. Plan was originally for inpatient however while waiting for bed he stabilized in the ED and became a boarder on 2/10. Was in SUD residential treatment, but they are declining to have him return, explaining that his needs are more mental health based than what their program can provide. He has a tentative acceptance at a residential program, just waiting for them to process more paperwork and identify a discharge date. Currently under temp custodianship with Ramsey County but Mom is involved ongoing.
Presents from home. Patient is known to our facility having previously boarded. Patient lives with aunt and uncle. There are issues with their relationship, and it has been increasingly difficult for aunt and uncle to manage, and they do not want patient to return home.
He completed day treatment on 1/23/25 but has been dysregulated off and on during that time, residing at foster home and eloping. Prior to presentation, eloped and was away from home for 12+ hours, sleeping outside in someone’s truck (not running) in zero degree temperatures. Nobody feels he can be maintained safely in the community.
Patient presented to the ER after an unprovoked stabbing of a sibling in the middle of the night requiring emergency surgery and then proceeded outside in the cold without weather appropriate clothing. Patient has chronic aggressive behaviors towards caretakers and other children.
Pt presented from home, adopted parents, for aggressive behaviors. Third ER visit this month, unable to take pt back home due to frequency and intensity of behaviors as well as 4 other children in the home. Pt initially recommended IP hospitalization, however unable to find placement due to acuity, no beds, or declined due to IQ (56) and inability to participate in programming. Medications adjusted in ER. No violence since medication increase. Family/CADI worker have been looking for more support for several years and pt seems to fall through the cracks due to IQ and aggression.
Kiddo boarded in our ED from 11/18/24-12/18/24 after being discharged from JEC Miller GH. JEC Miller took her into a temporary placement in an apartment setting while County worked toward another permanent placement. On 1/19/25 she returned to our ED after ingesting glass and was sent to our medical floor, where she is currently boarding. County team is looking into placement options- primarily crisis respite. On CADI. Working on Nexus YCT referral to assist with placement coordination.
Patient presented to the Emergency Trauma Center at St. Cloud Hosptial with aunt. Patient presented after being on run from NW Passages in Wisconsin. During times of elopement, patient is known to spend time at the home of a person known for drugs and trafficking. Patient has a county mental health case manager that is working to make referrals for appropriate levels of care. Patient has a history of aggression towards their aunt. Patient does not have any contact with biological father as he is incarcerated and limited contact with biological mother. Parental rights have not been terminated, but patient’s aunt has physical and legal custody. Patient is very vulnerable and has no insight into the unsafe nature of his behaviors.
The patient has a history of ADHD, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, anxiety, and PTSD. Last night he became frustrated at residential treatment facility- Bar None, kicked a door with his right foot, and put a shoestring around his neck out of frustration. He states he was not trying to hurt himself and did not intend to hurt himself. Bar None completed an administrative review and will not allow his return.
Pt has a long term 245 D home here in Little Falls, they have been wonderful to work with this youth. Pt symptoms are increasing such as hallucinations and this can cause him to be aggressive. Pt med provider would like a safe place to adjust his medication, and we have been unable to find any assistance with this as denied by Prairie Care and all PRTF’s. Pt is on the waitlist at CABHH. Told this is long and do not know if he will be accepted or when. Currently Pt is on another 72 hour hold at the local hospital. He bounces back and forth from ER to his 245D home as the medication adjustment or consistent use of current meds is a challenge due to hallucinations and the risk of elopement and aggression that come with the hallucinations.