
Update 4/10/25: declined at Leo Hoffman, East Bethel, Bar None Haven, does not meet criteria for Grafton, Northwood wait list 2 years. Discharged from Mille Lacs RTC.
Update 4/3/24- declined Leo Hoffman, East Bethel, Waiting to hear back from Grafton, Bar None Haven. Discharged from Mille Lacs. Northwood waitlist 2 years.
Update 4/1/24: Nexus East Bethel PRTF declined pt due to not having a male unit at this time.

15-year-old female identifying patient with a history of depression, anxiety, RAD, PTSD, ADHD, and ODD. Patient has been in and out of treatment settings for 3+ years and has not been at home since. Patient was at an unknown treatment facility and was discharged due to its closing, Northwood Children’s Services PRTF (discharged due to not needing level 6 care) and most recently has been at Nexus Mille Lacs RTC since October 2022. Patient has a history of four inpatient hospitalizations. Patient has been discharged from Nexus Mille Lacs RTC as of 3/20/24 due to them recommending a higher level of care.

Current provider:
CMHCM: Kanabec County

PRTF: (MN DHS eligibility submitted by county and approved)
-Leo Hoffman (declined due to pt acuity)
-Northwood (added to wait list, about 2 years)
-Grafton (pt does not meet acceptance criteria)
-Nexus East Bethel (declined due to not having a male unit)

-Nexus Mille Lacs (pt discharged from program as of 3/20 due to lack of engagement)
-Bar None Haven (declined due to aggression and behaviors)

MN DHS Complex Transitions Team (in process of scheduling care conference)


The patient is a 13 Y year-old male with a history of autism spectrum disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, ADHD, and depression who presented to the ER on 4/5/24 via EMS from his residential facility for assessment of aggression and suicidal ideation. He has a long history of aggressive behaviors that per chart review worsened around October, 2023 and he has not been able to be safely maintained in his home since that time. He has had several extended hospitalizations and since he was admitted to residential on 2/5 has had 41 incident reports related to attempts to harm himself and aggression when staff attempt to intervene. He has had increasing dysregulation resulting in an increase in restraints, length of time in restraints, and the amount of staff it requires to calm him resulting in the inability to return to residential. Home is not an option at this time.


Update 4/3/24- funding in place, waiting available RTC- accepted at Gerard and North Homes. Waiting to hear back from Avanti and East Bethel.

Case Description: Patient is a 16 y/o individual w/ hx MDD, GAD, ADHD, multiple previous hospitalizations, currently presenting due to SI. Patient went to foster care after discharge in previous hospitalization at PC ( october 2023) and returned to mothers home end of Dec after 1 month. Patient was hospitalized at Prairie St Johns for 1 week ( discharged 3/8) due to intrusive SI . Patient feels she was discharged earlier than she should have been because she was still struggling w/ “feeling safe”. Patient indicated that depression /anxiety and intrusive SI improved significantly in foster care. Patient indicated during the time in foster care, patient worked on her relationship w/ mother and feels it was “helpful. Patient transitioned to mothers home and feels that overall relationship has improved and does not know why depression/SI has escalated again.

Discharge Plan: RTC (county funding approved for RTC)
-Avanti (Referral done, waiting to hear back)
-Gerard (Referral done, Accepted)
-North Homes (Referral done, Accepted, currently on waitlist, openings anticipated in June)

-Nexus East Bethel (Referral in progress)

Existing outpatient providers:
-CMHCM at Sherburne County
-Individual therapy Main Street Family Services-Elk River (Appt scheduled 3/27)
-Family therapy at Main Street Family Services-Elk River
-Primary care at Stellis Health-Monticello
-Psychiatry s at Nystrom & Associates
-In-home skills


Pt was in residential at Prairie Care and was discharged due to behaviors/property destruction/aggression, not allowed to return. Just switched custody from one CPS worker to another so details of history are not complete, but information is being gathered. Know she was previously in out of state placement in Oklahoma where she was discharged due to physical aggression. County is looking at VOA- Bar None Haven and Nexus East Bethel, and hospital is referring to Nexus YCT.


Pt came to ED 3/25 after being on the run for a few weeks. Was previously at hotel crisis respite prior to being on the run, damaged property there and can not return. County is current guardian, though patient turns 18 very shortly and will be his own guardian at that time. History of behaviors, verbal and physical aggression and property destruction. Has been denied from shelters due to behaviors and previously denied from RTCs in and out of state, though due to age would no longer be an option. Refuses all mental health services and has not had a DA since 2020. Is on CADI waiver. Recommendation on weekly call to discuss benefits of IRTS program/treatment with him.


Presents from home after altercation with mother and sister. Family does not feel safe with patient returning home.


Patient presented with police after being found as a runaway from parents home, staying at friends house. Patient reportedly having increased aggressive episodes at home towards parents and property destruction. Parents unwilling to have patient in the home at this time. Working with family and case manager on shelter or alternative placement need.


Patient presented to the ED from Aspen House after destroying property and agitation. Unable to return and unable to return to adoptive parents home. Boarding in the ED for shelter placement.


This patient presented to Ridgeview Medical Center via P.D. after running from his home. He was found in the woods nearby his home with a knife (patient has an ankle monitoring device). Patient reportedly desires out-of-home placement and verbalized plans to use the knife to harm kids who bully him at school. Patient has a significant history of running away from home with more than 30 reported incidents. Patient maintains a desire not to return home at this time. Carver Co. holds temporary decision making authority over patient, by court order.


Update 3/14: Planning for DC back to home 3/15. Provided mom with resources for group home placement
Patient presented to the ER via law enforcement for suicidal ideation after getting into an argument with his brother and attempted to jump out of a 3rd story window and the vehicle. Mom does not feel safe with him at home due to ongoing aggression. Patient has ABA therapy and social worker.