Woodland Centers
Woodland Centers is a private, nonprofit Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) serving seven rural counties in west central Minnesota (Chippewa, Big Stone, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Meeker, Renville, and Swift). Woodland Centers is certified as an Essential Community Provider by the Department of Health. We have a wide range of mental health and substance use services and serve the entire age span. Our mission is to support people of all ages in finding hope and recovery. Our core values are willingness, knowledge, client-centeredness, and leadership. At Woodland Centers, we believe connections transform lives. We create connections by partnering, serving and empowering each other in order to inspire courage, hope and lasting change.
Woodland Centers catchment area encompasses approximately 5000 square miles with a population of approximately 114,000. In 2023, Woodland Centers served over 5,300 unduplicated individuals whose ages ranged from 2 to 89. Clients served were from 67 of Minnesota’s 87 counties and 4,458 clients were from our 7 corporate catchment area constituting approximately 4% of the area population. Thirty-two (32) percent of our clients are under age 18.
Willmar MN 56201