East African Healing Services
We are a non-profit social service agency providing culturally specific and behavior Health services. East African Healing Services (EAHS) was established in 2012 with the mission to provide professionally competent and culturally respectful mental health and community social services. Our mission is to increase hope, self-determination, and recovery for immigrants and refugees who have faced violence and adversity in the past. Our professional staff and support team are ready to assist you in any situation. With cultural-based therapies, specialized treatments, and a client-centered approach, we help our clients learn to thrive. East African healing services is currently accepting new clients for the follow programs.
ARMHS (Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services)
Outpatient Mental Health Services
CTSS (Children Therapeutic Social Services)
Early Intensive Developmental and Behavioral
Intervention (EIDBI)
Housing Stabilization Services
Golden Valley MN 55426