
Pursuing QRTP – patient is currently in psychiatric inpatient hospitalization.
Patient is a 15-year-old male. He presented to inpatient via ED due to increased SI and SIB. He has three historical inpatient hospitalizations, has done DBT and outpatient psychotherapy services, and most recently was at Newport RTC – although was discharged early due to aggression and property destruction.

From an acute psychiatric standpoint, youth is safe to discharge form inpatient care and receive services in the community prior to admission to QRTP. He has made significant progress on treatment goals during hospitalization.

Discharge Plan:
Referrals sent to the following residentials:
– Omegon Ascend (Reviewing, no current waitlist)
– Nexus Gerard (Reviewing, waitlist about a week)
– Nexus Mille Lacs (Reviewing, Current waitlist 2 months)
– North Homes (Declined d/t hx of aggression towards others)
– Northwood (Received, 6-9 month waitlist)
– PrairieCare Residential (Reviewing, 2-3 week waitlist)

Alternative Placement through Wright County:
-Wright County unable to identify alternative placement as of 9/24/24

Plan to bridge until residential:
PrairieCare PHP at MOB (unable to pursue establishing care at this time due to pt continuing to be hospitalized)

Continue with established outpatient providers:
Individual Therapist- Bridging Hope Buffalo
Medication Management- LifeSpan Mental Health Monticello
PCP- HealthPartners Elk River
CMHCM- Wright County
Neuropsych Testing- Clary Clinic St. Cloud


Presented to the ED in the evening, 9/18/24, with her parents after she ran away from school on Tuesday and made suicidal statements to a friend on Monday stating “I’m going to kill myself” which was relayed back to her parents. She also told another peer on Monday that she plans to run away. When she did run away the following day, Mom reports that she was missing for two hours before they found her and there were no known precipitating factors leading to this. Patient tells writer that she “doesn’t know” where she went on Tuesday and “I was walking towards home apparently.” Writer asked about why she is expressing confusion/poor memory of the event and if she was using any drugs/alcohol. She looked at writer, shrugged, then did not answer further. Throughout evaluation, patient is vague, intermittently evasive, and at times mute with writer. She presents with an incongruent and at times inappropriate affect and vacillates from a younger child-like presentation to a more adolescent presentation. She lacks insight into her parents’ concerns and demonstrates poor insight and poor judgement related to her personal safety. She is not willing or able to participate in reflection about why her parents/other adults are having significant concerns for her overall wellbeing, mental health and safety. When asked if she thinks she can maintain safety in the community/at home and also agree to not run away, she will not answer writer.
Area(s) of Risk: suicidal ideation, elopement, inability to care for self
Level of Risk: High for elopement and safety chronically for past few months which has been demonstrated repeatedly by running away and making unsafe choices such as getting in a stranger’s car and making pornographic videos of herself. Level of risk for SI statements is fluctuating and it is noted that pt does not have hx of suicide attempts.
Intent to Act: No
Referrals made to adolescent child psychiatric hospitals however no openings. Patient calm, cooperative and not having sx or bx thus appropriate to dc back home as of 9/20 however parents declining to have her discharge to home.
Child Protection involved as well as patient’s mental health case manager.


16 year old female who was brought in by EMS in 4-point restraints after being restrained by PD trying to enter river to “drown herself”. Patient argued with her mother just before she threatened to “drown herself in the river;” destruction of house/property per mother’s report. Patient admits to past similar behaviors and has multiple MH hospitalizations on record.


Update 4/26/24: Patient discharged from inpatient on 4/26/24 and admitted to VOA Bar None Shelter Plus.

Update 4/24/24: Patient has been accepted to VOA Bar None ShelterPlus Program with admission scheduled for Friday 4/26.

Update 4/17/24: Updated clinical/referral resubmitted to Anthony Lewis Center for acceptance consideration.

Update 4/4/24 – County is working towards referrals to group home settings at North Crow Group Home – Cokato and Annadale – Village Ranch while awaiting appropriate RTC placement. Anthony Lewis Center tentatively reconsidering the referral if patient does not need a medical setting.

16-year-old female presenting to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital. Patient is diagnosed with RAD, depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, polysubstance use emerging personality traits. Patient has had multiple hospitalizations, utilizes outpatient resources and completed DBT, one RTC placement, been in a group home, and is currently in foster placement. Patient’s current foster placement is unwilling to have patient return. Patient is currently under guardianship of Wright County.

Discharge Plan:
Dual Diagnosis RTC:
– MHealth Fairview-Maplewood (Referrals submitted: Update 3.13.24 – Cannot be approved until housing is confirmed)
– Wings (Referrals submitted Denied 3.15.24 due to mental health needs exceeded current program capabilities)

Current Providers:
– Individual Therapy
– Chemical Dependency Counseling
– Medication Management
– CMHCM with Wright County


Ward of the state-currently under Wright County Guardianship. Parental rights have been terminated. History of aggressive behavior with homicidal and suicidal comments towards multiple people/on multiple occasions. On 11/15/23, patient was sent to a “calming room” at his school due to throwing a ball at another students face. This caused him to miss out on an outdoor activity that he wanted to attend. Patient was upset and punched one of his teachers (mental health support services personnel) in the nose, causing a broken nose. Had been living with bio-grandparents prior to this incident. He has been removed from foster homes in the past due to homicidal threats to the foster parents/others in the home.


SI, self-harm, history of suicide attempts, past (not current) substance abuse, fetal alcohol syndrome disorder (normal IQ), reactive attachment disorder.

Denied from village ranch due to Mental Health concerns, Heartland due to behaviors, Little Sand denied due to recent suicide attempts, Greater MN denied due to hygiene concerns. Just completed res tx in Oct. Cadii waiver? Has been screened for the waiver. Jen Butler will connect. Hunters Place and Port are reviewing. UPDATE FROM 1/12: Accepted to North Homes Eval Program for 1/18/23


attachment difficulties, parent child difficulties, working towards either RTC or group home. Working w/ county – denied from most residentials due to IQ. Looking at group home placement. Home is disruptive. Attachment difficulties.


attachment difficulties, inappropriate sexual stories and behaviors. Rec level 6. Has a father and step mother who are involved.