17 yo female with hx of dep, anx, PTSD, eating d/o, mood lability, and personality concerns who lives with her dad and siblings in Menahga. She is in the 12th grade and reports having a 504 plan. She has a hx of around 10 inpatient hospitalizations and 3 stays in RTC. Stressors include family conflict, social stressors, and school. Family hx of MICD concerns. Patient has been struggling with worsening symptoms and safety concerns including SI with multiple plans (cut, OD, hanging, crash, etc) and SIB. She has been admitted for acute stabilization.
County: Wadena
Recommendation is for CD residential treatment. Patient is currently inpatient.
17 year old female admitted from the ED. Pt was having increased panic attacks and engaging in self-injurious behaviors by hitting themselves. Patient has been having suicidal ideations. Patient has been using marijuana as a coping strategy. Patient has a history of numerous psychiatric hospitalizations. At this time mother feels the patient can not return home as the family has been staying at a motel.
Pt insured by BCBS PMAP and Medicaid.
Pt has the following outpatient supports:
Individual therapy
Psychiatry/medication management
Primary care