
Patient presented to the ER following an intentional overdose to end her life and had just started PHP the week of admission. She had an additional overdose of the same medications in March 2023 and has had reported several other suicide attempts. Patient is on probation for assaulting her mother and has a history of running away, physical & verbal aggression, sexual misconduct (sending nude photos of herself to adult males for money), alcohol/chemical use, school difficulties, and parent/child conflict.


The patient is a 13 year-old female with a history of ADHD, inattentive type, anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, suicidal ideation, and self-injurious behaviors that presented to the ER following an intentional overdose in an attempt to end her life. She has had 2 previous inpatient hospitalizations. Patient has a complicated home life with several CPS reports and basically does the caretaking for her younger siblings. Patient has several tattoos given to her by her mother and sister and mother is unwell as well and frequently struggles with suicide attempts and self-harm. Sounds like a significant sexual abuse history within the entire family that may still be occurring. The patient is at risk for sexual exploitation given increased sexuality.


Patient presented to the Emergency Trauma Center at St. Cloud Hosptial with aunt. Patient presented after being on run from NW Passages in Wisconsin. During times of elopement, patient is known to spend time at the home of a person known for drugs and trafficking. Patient has a county mental health case manager that is working to make referrals for appropriate levels of care. Patient has a history of aggression towards their aunt. Patient does not have any contact with biological father as he is incarcerated and limited contact with biological mother. Parental rights have not been terminated, but patient’s aunt has physical and legal custody. Patient is very vulnerable and has no insight into the unsafe nature of his behaviors.


Kiddo came to GICH ED on 7/31 from Little Sand GH after an altercation there. Pt had verbally and physically aggressed toward peer and staff, and had self harm/head banging. According to the team this was her first incident of physical aggression, she has not been violent in the past. Does have history of self harm and verbal aggression. Little Sand is recommending a higher level of care. Team would like PRTF placement and have made referral to Nexus East Bethel. Exploring VOA Bar None for interim plan, has not been accepted anywhere yet.


Update 5/16/24: Still on Empath. Cancelled follow up visit/pursuit of ChildServe due to county not being able to provide out of state funding. Starting over with contacting facilities in MN. Enriched living extensive waitlist, Beacon sent referral for long term crisis placement, Dragon fly still reviewing, JD homes reviewing, REM reviewing.
Update 5/9/24: Still on Empath unit. Being reviewed by ChildServe for potential placement out of state. County also pursuing waiver for adult group home.
Update 4/15/24: Still on the Empath unit and continues to do well. MN Choice Assessment completed last week. Referral made to ChildServe in Iowa.
Update 3/21/24: Still on Empath unit, doing well. Stearns county has guardianship, still working on CADI waiver. Referral made to Dragonfly.
Update:3/7/24: On Empath unit, used for assessments and stabilization. 48 hour stay. Doesn’t need hospital. Needs to be assigned a social worker. On a chips hold. Going to need a CADI waiver.
Patient is diagnosed with Soto’s syndrome and is non-verbal with significant developmental delay and suspected cognitive functioning of a toddler. Dad dropped her off at the ER with reports that he is not willing to bring her back home as he and mom are aging and are unable to manage her any longer as they have other disabled children in the home and mom has health issues. Patient has a chronic history of slapping herself, biting herself and others, and pulling hair. Patient is incontinent of bowel and bladder and requires significant assistance with ADL’s including toileting, bathing, dressing, and eating. Family currently has no supportive services in place with the exception of psychiatry. CPS report was filed with court scheduled Monday morning. Not aggressive or violent since in ER. Compliant. 1:1 since she’s on an adult unit.


Update 3/14: Planning for DC back to home 3/15. Provided mom with resources for group home placement
Patient presented to the ER via law enforcement for suicidal ideation after getting into an argument with his brother and attempted to jump out of a 3rd story window and the vehicle. Mom does not feel safe with him at home due to ongoing aggression. Patient has ABA therapy and social worker.


2/15/24/ update, accepted to Omegon, waiting for that.
Patient presented to the ER via EMS after being found outside at a local school’s playground intoxicated, hypothermic, and with an altered mental status with a concern for head trauma and a seizure. He was medically stabilized and admitted to the MHU. He had just completed residential CD treatment on 1/24/24 after continued use while in IOP with plans to transition to IOP again though he self injured via cutting on his arm, began to drink, and snuck out the window in the middle of the night.

The patient is very depressed with no motivation or desire for sobriety. He has a history of a previous suicide attempt. He does require residential CD treatment again and will need to transition straight from the hospital to treatment. .


The patient is a 14 Y year-old male with a history of mild intellectual disability, reactive attachment disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, ADHD, and anxiety who presented to the ER on 2/1/24 via law enforcement for assessment of aggressive behaviors at his group home. Group home staff report he has caused $10,000 in damage since his admission to the group home on 1/8 which included damaging house property and 3 staff members vehicles. He received a letter of suspension from the group home effective 2/1/24 due to his behaviors.

He has had extensive MH services including foster home placements, temporary placements with his grandmother and biological father, multiple ER assessments for aggressive behavior with suicidal & homicidal statements, residential at Gerard Academy, residential at Northwoods in 2017 for 6 months, partial hospitalizations in 2015, 2016, and 2023, inpatient hospitalizations at Children’s, Miller Dwan, Prairie Care x2, Prairie St. John’s, day treatment, group home placement, level 4 schooling, in home skills, case management, PCA services, psychological testing, speech therapy, OT, and individual therapy. He is currently on a CADI waiver.

He has a long history of behavioral dysregulation including: fire setting (set a blanket on fire at age 7, burned the trim on the bathroom door at age 7), sexualized behaviors (including anally penetrating a younger male step cousin when the patient was 6 along with engaging in oral sex), aggression towards animals (broke dogs hip, hit/kicked/choked, killed family cat & dog), physical aggression (including slamming staff fingers in the door, giving 2 staff concussions, kicked staff in the chest, hitting, kicking, biting, squeezing, grabbing, has thrown his younger sister), property destruction, self injurious behavior (head banging, wrapping shirts around his neck, picking at his skin), elopement from classrooms and his home, stealing, and hoarding food. He was in detention at Lino Lakes a few months ago for assaulting his mom.

It is not felt that inpatient psychiatric hospitalization is indicated at this time due to the chronicity of his behaviors though he is not able to return to his group home at this time.


Patient was dropped off at a different ER by the parents of her 4th foster home placement where she was placed 3 days prior as the foster parents didn’t feel they could provide care for the patient due to hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, elopement, and sexualized behaviors. Her social workers picked her up from the outside ER and while in route to human services center to board until a new foster home was located, the patient was attempting to remove her seatbelt and she was brought to this ER where initially inpatient psychiatric hospitalization was recommended due to a lack of safety awareness, elopement, sexual behaviors, and need for medication assessment. She was trialed on guanfacine, developed hypotension and this was discontinued, and she was started on Concerta where her elopement attempts, impulsivity, and hyperactivity improved. She remains boarding in the ER while the county pursues foster home placement.


ASD, impulse control issues, DD, trauma history, pica, SIB, hits self, headbangs, nonverbal, putting foreign objects in body, smears feces, no family involvement, ward of Stearns County. No family involvement. Communicates w laptop, pictures. OT doing sensory work. Referral across MN, WI, ND, SD. Tennessee declines. Very difficult to place. 2 staff in day and 1 at night. Stearns trying to work on a home in their county. Came from her family care at age 4, to group home until 7, then another group home. She has struggled at her most recent group home. Lots of hands-on care. Willing to re-refer her to Grafton – was declined in July.