
Pt per chart presented 9/15/2024 d/t sent from JAF facility after agitation episode during which pt expressed self-harm ideation via electric outlets. Of note this is a behavior for which he has been sent to ED multiple times and regulates in ED and has been sent back. However, currently facility is not agreeing to take pt back and apparently for the past 5 days since last visit, there has been a plan to discharge pt if there was 1 more ED visit, which is current visit.


Comes from shelter placement (Von Wald) due to aggression. Has probation with court on 3/14/24. Voluntarily placed with Rice County by family due to safety concerns. The CASII score is 6 with strong recommendation for wilderness residential programming, as he has been through a few ‘traditional’ residential programs, so he has some buy-in for wilderness type residential. Looking for shelter vs group home as waiting for residential programming. Parents hesitant to look at out-of-state programs.


RAD. Aggression at home. Parents unable to accommodate needs at home so resident remains in ED. Hasn’t needed hospital since mid feb but parents unable to take her home. Accepted 3/15 to Community Living Options.


SI, SIB, high risk behaviors (running away, substance use), foster family found burn marks on her sheets. Has been in 7 foster homes over last 2 years. CPS/foster family found notes referencing suicide in her room, SIB. ETOH use, THC use, deceitful, dishonesty. School staff and therapist was shocked, presents as a well-adjusted child. As in school. Struggles to connect with people. Makes poor choices with her sister. Likes to burn candles and leaves them, does she forget or is it intentional. Burn marks on sheets, lighter in room. Admitted because of SIB/SI notes. Struggling to find a foster family – from small area so other foster families hesitant to take her in. Question as to if residential treatment is appropriate? At this point, foster care or shelter care is rec. Was formerly at a partial program at Prairie Care.