
Pt has a long term 245 D home here in Little Falls, they have been wonderful to work with this youth. Pt symptoms are increasing such as hallucinations and this can cause him to be aggressive. Pt med provider would like a safe place to adjust his medication, and we have been unable to find any assistance with this as denied by Prairie Care and all PRTF’s. Pt is on the waitlist at CABHH. Told this is long and do not know if he will be accepted or when. Currently Pt is on another 72 hour hold at the local hospital. He bounces back and forth from ER to his 245D home as the medication adjustment or consistent use of current meds is a challenge due to hallucinations and the risk of elopement and aggression that come with the hallucinations.


Patient presented to the ER after 3 other ER visits from outside ER for physical concerns that were determined to be panic symptoms verses a physical abnormality. Patient has a chronic history of mood and behavioral dysregulation, self-harm, multiple suicide attempts, truancy, and parent child relationship difficulties. She has a history of trauma in the form of witnessing domestic abuse, physical abuse, possible sexual abuse, and the death of her dad due to an OD 4-5 years ago. She has had 2 inpatient hospitalizations along with 2 PHP admissions with little benefit and participation. Mom struggles with following through on recommendations and struggles with alcohol/substance use. A child protection report was filed last year and she moved in to her neighbors though this is no longer an option. She denies any passive or active suicide ideation, plan, or intent. Inpatient hospitalization is not recommended. Mom is not willing to bring her back home at this time due to disruption in the home.