
1.4.24 – Nexus YCT doing an intake next week.
Presented to ED after altercation with Mom resulted in property destruction and pushing her. Behavior concerns specifically aggression in home towards mother, siblings; patient is in a level 4 special-education program due to ongoing challenging behavior at school often leading to multiple suspensions, needing higher level of intervention. The police have been called to the home multiple times due to patient’s increasingly violent and aggressive behavior, poor impulse control, low frustration tolerance, agitation and oppositional behavior.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, suicidal ideation, threats to harm others, property destruction. Patient became upset at school, threw items, and ripped things off of the wall. Patient left school grounds, and police/ambulance were called. Patient has been living with her aunt for the past few months. Patient’s biological mother died when she was an infant, and was abused by a family member who obtained guardianship. Patient makes suicidal and homicidal threats often.
Patient was in the Fairview PHP program earlier this year. She was in the ED in May ’23. Patient no longer has a medication management provider. She has a county CPS worker and a newer case manager. Patient is currently in Equine Therapy 1x/week at Hold Your Horses.


Update: DIfficult to place, haven’t been successful at contact w family
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, significant behavioral change. Patient has Autism, is non-verbal, has a developmental delay, speech delay, PICA and behavioral issues at home that have been increasingly difficult for the family to manage. Patient was seen her earlier this month after ingesting a battery. Patient reportedly has been accepted for a residential treatment facility in Missouri – Lake Mary Center, though they currently do not have a funding source and intake is not until the end of December. Family has been working with Aurora Behavioral Services, as well as psychiatry and PCA services.


Update: DC’d to Anthony Lewis 11/20.
16 y/o F with a significant opioid use disorder and passive SI. Self-presented to APS wanting CD tx. Hx of 3 serious overdoses.While in APS, She has been calm, cooperative, and engaged. Suboxone was started and is tolerating it well.


Brought to the emergency department by police due to concerns for sexual exploitation. She was admitted with opioid withdrawal and need for safe discharge plan. In need of substance use treatment and mental health. Has history of running. not aggressive. Very collaborative and asking for treatment. Substance use tied to sexual exploitation. Wonderful partnership with HCMC CPS. Will be placed at Provo Canon in Springville UT tomorrow. Had to go way up the chain to get approval for out of state. Very high-risk youth. Still very collaborative and wanting treatment. Mom and dad have come to see her and brought things to take with her.


attempted strangulation with the dog leash. HX of MDD, PTSD, ADHD & anxiety.


First episode psychosis. Admission to HCMC 12/26/22. Exception made to accept a minor patient to HCMC Adult Psych Unit 1/6/23 – 1/16/23 in effort to get patient out of restraints, medication regimen and agreement to return to Peds Unit. Returned to Peds Unit 1/16/23 and remains here. Efforts to transfer to Adolesent Acute Pysch unsuccessful due to no capacity and/or patient declined. Update: 1/24/23. Continues to be medically cleared, awaiting placement. Awaiting Hennepin County MH Casemanager to be assigned. Consider referral to PRTS, concern for long waitlists. Concern if we continue to board patient on Peds Floor where he is not getting the mental health care he needs, he is at risk for decompensation. Patient has a Continuance Agreement through District Court Probate/Mental Health Division for six months from 1/17/23. grandmother is open to having him return home with a structured program during the day.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: substance use, intoxication, anxiety. Patient was at WINGS treatment center for substance abuse/mental health from 10/17/23-10/28/23, before eloping. Patient was living on the streets, and staying with friends, before going to her aunt’s house. Patient was then picked up by her guardian/grandmother and brought to the ED.
Patient has a history of elopement and substance abuse.
Patient attended Prairie Care’s PHP program in June 2022, but was discharged due to behavioral problems.
Patient was in FV inpatient unit from 3/10/23-3/16/23 when she eloped while being transported to FV residential treatment program.
Patient was readmitted to the inpatient unit on 3/17/23 where she remained until admission to FV residential treatment could be arranged.
Patient was discharged from treatment due to behaviors and ran away from home, when she was found and brought back to FV ED on 4/24. where she remained until eloping on 5/28.
Patient has been accepted to Oshki Manidoo treatment center, and will admit once a bed opens up.


Came from Bar None. Sig family trauma, sex trafficked by parents who are incarcerated. Some drug use, but sober now (benzos and opiates). been behaving ok so far. Responding well to limit setting in ED. At Omegon was doing ok aside from relationship issues. Grandmother had custody but has been terminated.

Several referrals – denied due to chemical use/abuse. Shelters denied d/t aggression. High risk for placement. Check into returning to Bar None Omegon? Youth Villages in TN – they can take more aggressive behaviors. ***Discharged to Hotel Care with crisis staffing. The Hennepin County CM/guardian arranged for the placement after 30 days in the ED.


History of trauma, sexually exploited youth, aggression, ODD, multiple placements, adjustment disorder. Had an Intake with FV PHP program, was accepted, but nowhere to place her to do the program. Meeting today with county to discuss the case. Looking at intensive therapy services, shelters.
Patient been accepted to Fairview’s PHP, pt has a foster mom who is only willing to take pt home after completing PHP, county seeking residential. 3/23 update: transferring 3/24 @ 10:15 am to DIVINE.