Update 6/26/24: Patient doing well and has made improvement with emotional dysregulation. No longer recommending PRTF level of care. Interview with Divine House occurred last week.
Update-5/30/24- Patient has had severe decompensation in part due to child protection concerns along with prolonged hospitalization and has been in the BICU for aggression, self harm, and seeking/securing items to self harm with. It is now recommended that she be placed in a PRTF.
11 year old presented to the ER after discharging from residential for concerns of running away, recent sexual perpetration to 6 year old brother, and homicidal ideation towards current guardian. Active CPS investigation over the last 1.5 years and is unable to return to her mother’s care or a home with younger children. This patient struggles with low insight, poor boundaries, antagonizing behavior, and justifies her behaviors. We attempted to obtain psychological testing though patient was not cooperative and refused. Medications are stable. She continues to display oppositional behaviors at times.