
Pt came to our ED on 8/10 from Grandparents home who were providing foster care and there was an altercation. Grandparents are refusing to take pt back. Hennepin County CPS/ICWA have temp custody. Pt not appropriate for IP due to fecal incontinence and struggles with communication. County is looking for DD waiver CRS and doing a MNchoices assessment on 8/16.


Pt came to our ED on 8/9 from parents home after an altercation. Parents are refusing to pick pt up. They report pt is involved in some gang activity and verbal and physical aggression toward them at home. Has been to 3 residential programs, and multiple placements Northwoods, Gerard and Bar None. He continues to exhibit behaviors in all settings. County does not feel another residential would be beneficial as the last 3 haven’t improved behaviors. Therapist is currently working on IQ testing but unsure if that can be completed in the hospital. Team is looking at starting MNchoices process to get waiver options.


Came to us 7/22 via EMT after aggression and property destruction at hotel crisis respite, provider wont take pt back. Previously boarding in our ED 4/5 to 4/25, with somewhat frequent ED visits between. Has previously been to VOA Bar None. Hennepin County has custody and our team was struggling with reaching the CPS worker yesterday/this morning- going to continue reaching out for further plan/details.


Recommendation is for level 5 RTC – patient is currently inpatient.
14-year-old Male from ED. Patient got in a fight with their father and ran away from home. Patient has had several other inpatient hospitalizations and has completed a partial hospitalization program with PrairieCare. In alignment with CMHCM, seeking RTC level of care. At this time parents do not feel they can have the child return home. Referrals have been sent to Gerard Academy and Nexus Mille Lacs.
Patient insured by UCARE MA PMAP.
Pt has the following outpatient supports:
Individual Therapy


Pt came to our ED via EMT on 8/5/24 after an altercation at home. He has a history of multiple inpatient stays, done PHP and day treatment, been to Gerard, Newport, and JDC. There have been 2 rule 20 evals that have deemed him incompetent, one just finalized on 8/7. Dad currently has custody and is refusing to pick up, reporting that he wants more help. Pt has history of abuse from both parents. CPS is petitioning for temp custody and placement is at a stand still while we wait for that to go through.


Patient presents to the ER from PRTF twice in the same day after boarding for an extended period of time due to aggression towards staff. She has since been discharged from the PRTF as they felt a higher level of care was indicated. She is currently doing well here with intermittent verbal escalations though does struggle with peer relationships. She does express visual and auditory hallucinations though these do appear to be related to trauma.


Patient came to our ED on 7/22 after an altercation with mother and mother is refusing to pick pt up. Was previously in ED on 7/12 for same reason. Was reportedly discharged from Nexus East Bethel 7/12. Has been denied by Northwoods, Gerard. Was somewhat successful in the past with day treatment, CM is exploring day treatment options.


Under Hennepin County custody. Came to the hospital after assaulting a peer and staff at crisis respite. Has been in multiple placements (residential, group homes, foster care and shelters) and has been terminated from them due to aggression. There were concerns for psychosis prior to admission but symptoms have stabilized with medication.


Adopted at birth with in utero meth exposure. Several inpatient, residential and outpatient avenues explored both instate and out of state. Patient is declined or asked to leave to due aggression to peers. Juvenile system has discharged back to mental health. Engages in self harm, significant aggression, stealing and fraud, fire setting, etc.


Pt arrived in our ED on 5/23. She had previously been at Children’s Hospital (inpatient) for 40 days, went to a crisis placement for around 24 hours when she started to aggress physically and was brought to our ED. Crisis respite refuses to accept pt back. Has diagnosis of autism and lower IQ, unsure of the number. Was a recent DA completed by Nystrom that team is waiting on to submit referrals for residential. Mom refuses out of state options at this time. Has name in crisis bed pool via MCCP, on DD waiver.