
Pt admitted to HC JDC on 08/16/2024 and since then has been ordered to be released from HC JDC, but all referrals have been denied to RTC, Group Home and Shelter placement. There is a significant history of mental health and trauma for this youth. The youths mom is not an option due to the mom not willing to take her home and the youth in out of home placement. No father (deceased). There is a significant history of aggression and currently charges pending in multiple counties with in MN.


12 yo male brought to Ridgeview Medical Center (RMC) via EMS after a verbal and physical outburst at home. Youth felt that his mother was “lying” about him to a visiting social worker and youth became aggressive, throwing dishes on the floor in the kitchen. Youth “pushed” his brother, who then pushed youth. No h/o violence or aggression at school or with individuals outside of his home. Most aggression is shown verbally towards his mother. Mother is not allowing youth back into her home right now. Carver Co. Crisis and COPE have assessed youth and are recommending psychotherapy and/or psychiatry/medication management.


Came to ED after altercation with mother. Ongoing family conflict between Mother and Daughter. CPS has just began getting involved on case. Currently mother is telling our team we must admit to IP and has not been willing to sign any ROIs to proceed with anything as of yet. Unable to proceed with any placements, waiting for further direction from CPS.


A 16-year-old female presented to the ED after being away from her group home placement for about 2 weeks. She is a ward of the state and is currently boarding in the ED due to her complex social and mental health history, increased risk of elopement, and the care team’s challenges in developing a safe discharge plan. Referrals are pending.


This pt discharged from our ED on 8/6 after being here since 7/22, went to a Beacon crisis home for approx 24 hours and returned to the ED again on 8/7, after aggressive behavior. Previous number was MHF-M12-4418. Also boarded in our ED in April 2024 for 20 days, and at different hospital in June. Hennepin County has temp custody and he is on DD waiver. Currently looking at a CRS home that requires exception bed approval through DHS, Grafton, remains on the MCCP crisis pool list, and judge is making determination if returning to Mom may be an option. Has been to Zane crisis, Beacon crisis, VOA Bar None, and done PHP with FV.


Pt came to our ED on 8/10 from Grandparents home who were providing foster care and there was an altercation. Grandparents are refusing to take pt back. Hennepin County CPS/ICWA have temp custody. Pt not appropriate for IP due to fecal incontinence and struggles with communication. County is looking for DD waiver CRS and doing a MNchoices assessment on 8/16.


Pt came to our ED on 8/9 from parents home after an altercation. Parents are refusing to pick pt up. They report pt is involved in some gang activity and verbal and physical aggression toward them at home. Has been to 3 residential programs, and multiple placements Northwoods, Gerard and Bar None. He continues to exhibit behaviors in all settings. County does not feel another residential would be beneficial as the last 3 haven’t improved behaviors. Therapist is currently working on IQ testing but unsure if that can be completed in the hospital. Team is looking at starting MNchoices process to get waiver options.


Came to us 7/22 via EMT after aggression and property destruction at hotel crisis respite, provider wont take pt back. Previously boarding in our ED 4/5 to 4/25, with somewhat frequent ED visits between. Has previously been to VOA Bar None. Hennepin County has custody and our team was struggling with reaching the CPS worker yesterday/this morning- going to continue reaching out for further plan/details.


Recommendation is for level 5 RTC – patient is currently inpatient.
14-year-old Male from ED. Patient got in a fight with their father and ran away from home. Patient has had several other inpatient hospitalizations and has completed a partial hospitalization program with PrairieCare. In alignment with CMHCM, seeking RTC level of care. At this time parents do not feel they can have the child return home. Referrals have been sent to Gerard Academy and Nexus Mille Lacs.
Patient insured by UCARE MA PMAP.
Pt has the following outpatient supports:
Individual Therapy


Pt came to our ED via EMT on 8/5/24 after an altercation at home. He has a history of multiple inpatient stays, done PHP and day treatment, been to Gerard, Newport, and JDC. There have been 2 rule 20 evals that have deemed him incompetent, one just finalized on 8/7. Dad currently has custody and is refusing to pick up, reporting that he wants more help. Pt has history of abuse from both parents. CPS is petitioning for temp custody and placement is at a stand still while we wait for that to go through.