
Patient admitted to inpatient hospital following attempted overdose. Prior to hospitalization pt had resided at home with parents since February 2024. Prior to this pt had 18 month stay at Gerard RTC. Pt also had previous stay at North Homes RTC.

Discharge Plan:

-PCR (referral sent)
-Gerard (referral sent)
-North Homes (referral sent)
-Village Ranch (declined in February due to behaviors, flight risk, animal cruelty)
-Mille Lacs (referral sent)
-Bar None Shelter Plus (need county referral/funding, CMHCM not supporting)
-Leo Hoffman (referral in progress)

Group Home
-CMCHCM assisting with referrals although pt would need to pursue CADI funding prior to county funding
-MnChoices Assessment through Hennepin County for CADI Waiver (request made, scheduling 6 months out, can expedite if placement is found)

Continue with established outpatient providers:

Individual Therapist: Scott Nielson with Melissa Anderson and Associates
Primary Care Provider: Riverwood in MacGregor
Prescriber/Medication Management: Janet Larson with Riverwood Clinic
CMHCM: Alissa Boser with Aitken County (218-838-2405)
Probation Officer: Jacob Leondhardt with Aitkin County (218-927-7231)


9 year old female recommended for inpatient care due to verbalizing suicide plan. County involved. Outpatient services minimally utilized. MCO has been in the home several times and offered recommendations to family. Parents active and present, but unusre if able to set boundaries or have skills to meet needs. Other kids in home. MCO eval recommended placement and continue in ED until placement located. Avel consult and suggested could go home with safety plan if parents agreeable, parents not agreeable. Physical acting out example pounding on window, reported destroying things at home.