Pt admitted to HC JDC on 08/16/2024 and since then has been ordered to be released from HC JDC, but all referrals have been denied to RTC, Group Home and Shelter placement. There is a significant history of mental health and trauma for this youth. The youths mom is not an option due to the mom not willing to take her home and the youth in out of home placement. No father (deceased). There is a significant history of aggression and currently charges pending in multiple counties with in MN.
Ancillary Support Service: Mental Health Crisis Assessments
Mental health crisis assessment involves the following steps:
1. Immediate decision-making process: A mental health practitioner determines the lethality and referral needs of the client.
2. Triage assessment: Determines urgency and appropriate care options, such as emergency hospitalization, outpatient treatment, or support services1.
3. Psychiatric examination: Establishes a working diagnosis and treatment plan
12 yo male brought to Ridgeview Medical Center (RMC) via EMS after a verbal and physical outburst at home. Youth felt that his mother was “lying” about him to a visiting social worker and youth became aggressive, throwing dishes on the floor in the kitchen. Youth “pushed” his brother, who then pushed youth. No h/o violence or aggression at school or with individuals outside of his home. Most aggression is shown verbally towards his mother. Mother is not allowing youth back into her home right now. Carver Co. Crisis and COPE have assessed youth and are recommending psychotherapy and/or psychiatry/medication management.