
Update 4/3/24- funding in place, waiting available RTC- accepted at Gerard and North Homes. Waiting to hear back from Avanti and East Bethel.

Case Description: Patient is a 16 y/o individual w/ hx MDD, GAD, ADHD, multiple previous hospitalizations, currently presenting due to SI. Patient went to foster care after discharge in previous hospitalization at PC ( october 2023) and returned to mothers home end of Dec after 1 month. Patient was hospitalized at Prairie St Johns for 1 week ( discharged 3/8) due to intrusive SI . Patient feels she was discharged earlier than she should have been because she was still struggling w/ “feeling safe”. Patient indicated that depression /anxiety and intrusive SI improved significantly in foster care. Patient indicated during the time in foster care, patient worked on her relationship w/ mother and feels it was “helpful. Patient transitioned to mothers home and feels that overall relationship has improved and does not know why depression/SI has escalated again.

Discharge Plan: RTC (county funding approved for RTC)
-Avanti (Referral done, waiting to hear back)
-Gerard (Referral done, Accepted)
-North Homes (Referral done, Accepted, currently on waitlist, openings anticipated in June)

-Nexus East Bethel (Referral in progress)

Existing outpatient providers:
-CMHCM at Sherburne County
-Individual therapy Main Street Family Services-Elk River (Appt scheduled 3/27)
-Family therapy at Main Street Family Services-Elk River
-Primary care at Stellis Health-Monticello
-Psychiatry s at Nystrom & Associates
-In-home skills


Updated 3/7/224: Admission scheduled for 3/12, discharge from hospital will occur same day
Updated 3/1/24: SW was informed the admission date was moved to March 12th. Scheduled admission to Nexus East bethel for March 12th
Updated 2/28/24: East Bethel Accepted- Admission scheduled for March 7th time TBD, pt remains on the inpatient unit.
Updated 2/15/24- East Bethel Accepted- Opening now first week of March, pt remains on the inpatient unit.
Updated 2/1/24: East Bethel Accepted- Opening mid February
Updated 1/25/24: East Bethel tentatively accepted- opening mid February
Updated 1/11/24: East Bethel will review, if accepted- admission in a few weeks.
Update 1/9/24: Patient has been declined to Grafton PRTF due to her behaviors not being appropriate for current milieu and identified as it would not be therapeutic.

Discharge Plans: PRTF is medically recommended by inpatient treatment team
PRTF: Nexus East Bethel (Referral sent & under review, will likely hear about acceptance decision in January 2024)
PRTF: Grafton (declined on 1/9 due to behaviors not appropriate fit for current milieu)
-(DHS eligibility form for PRTF sent and approved)

Referrals to RTC’s made previously by the county:
-LSS, Sioux Falls: Couldn’t meet pt’s needs, low cognitive function, and FAS diagnosis
-Gerard: Couldn’t meet pt’s needs and FAS diagnosis
-North Homes: CMHCM referred for 35 day evaluation, still working on an acceptance
-Avanti: Pt’s legal guardian did not consent due to distance away from home
-Boys Town, Nebraska: Declined due to FAS diagnosis

Continue with established outpatient providers:
-CMHCM: Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services
-Medication Management: Windom Hospital
-Individual Therapist: Greater MN

This is patient’s 5th psychiatric inpatient hospitalization. Patient’s current admission is due to increased suicidal ideation, behavioral dysregulation, and homicidal threats towards staff and peers at school. Patient has utilized outpatient mental health supports such as psychotherapy, medication management, children’s mental health case management, children’s therapeutic support services, vocational rehabilitation skills, as well as group home and respite care. Patient has engaged in partial hospitalization program twice.


Patient is an 8 yr old that has a history of disruptive behaviors at school and at home. She has a history of PTSD ADHD reactive attachment disorder and is on quite a few meds for behavioral health. Apparently she did not sleep well last night and woke up this morning threatening to kill her family members and herself. She continued to escalate at home to the point where mom called psychiatry and they recommended that she come to the ED. She arrives in ED out of control hitting, biting, kicking, and screaming. Mom states that this type of behavior for her has happened frequently in the past but has not had an episode like this for a year or two. She apparently is doing quite well in school and has not had any recent issues. Mom states that when she has these outbursts or crisis that this is typical where she has just a sudden change in her behavior and becomes violent at home. She has not missed any of her medications. Mom denies fever, no recent cough no abdominal pain no nausea vomiting or other recent infections. Mom states that in the remote past she has had a UTI with high fever but typically infections have not caused behavior issues. Patient has an established psychiatrist and has had numerous hopitalizations regarding same issues. Started having visual hallucination yesterday, medication adjustment decreased (risperdal) decreased a couple of months ago with the thoughts that this may be contributing. Biological mother has history of bipolar disorder and grandmother and cousin has history affective schizoid disorder. For the past week her behaviors have been escalating and has been getting harder and harder to negotiate with child. She has threatened to kill her 3 yr old brother and mom concerned for safety of other children in the home.


Update 2/22/224- Admission to Grafton tentatively scheduled 2/28/24, can discharge interim pending availability.
Update 2/15/24- waiting admission to Grafton end of Feb- date pending- can discharge home interim, pending availability.
Pt is medically cleared for discharge- parents informed county they need to pursue crisis respite for patient.

Discharge Plan:
Residential treatment referrals-
Grafton PRTF (Accepted, next opening tentative end of February)
Northwood Children’s (Referral not sent d/t insurance)
Nexus-East Bethel (Denied d/t not in 6th grade)
Nexus-Gerard (Denied d/t functioning for programming)
Avanti Center (Referral not sent d/t patient’s age)
VOA-Bar None (Referral not sent d/t patient’s age)
Heartland Girls’ Ranch (Referral not sent d/t patient’s age)
Nexus-Mille Lacs (Referral not sent d/t male only programming)
North Homes (Referral not sent d/t patient’s age)
Newport Academy (Referral not sent d/t patient’s age and insurance)
PrairieCare Residential (Referral not sent d/t insurance)
Village Ranch (Referral not sent d/t patient’s age)
Northwest Passage (Referral not sent d/t patient’s age)
Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch (Referral not sent d/t not ND resident)
Rogers Behavioral Health (Referral not sent d/t insurance)

Plan to bridge until residential availability:
Cradle of Love (Accepted, pending county funding)
Northwood Children’s Shelter (CM placing referral)
Kindred Care (CM placing referral)
MCCP Crisis Respite (CADI CM placing referral)
Trauma focused/attachment therapy (Referrals to be placed by CM)

Continue with established outpatient providers:
Ramsey County CADI- (Shakir Consulting Services)
Ramsey County CMHCM- B
PCP- (Entira Vadnais Heights)
OT- Fairview
CTSS- (Nystrom & Associates)
PCA/companion care 3x/week


Updated 2/22/24: DC Fri 2/23 to Nexus Mille Lacs RTC (County and Nexus recommending PRTF for long term tx). DC pending communication with guardians, have not had a response from them the whole hospitalization.
Update 2/16/24: Nexus Mille Lacs RTC is recommending PRTF level of care for patient. Kanabec County is in support of recommendation and plans to being the referral process.

Case Description:
15-year-old female identifying patient with a history of depression, anxiety, RAD, PTSD, ADHD, and ODD. Patient has been in out of home treatment settings for 3 years. Patient was at an unknown treatment facility and was discharged due to its closing, Northwood Children’s Services PRTF and most recently has been at Nexus Mille Lacs RTC since October 2022. Patient has a history of three inpatient hospitalizations.

Current services:
CMHCM: Kanabec County
RTC: Nexus Mille Lacs


2/15/24/ update. Adjusted meds, doing better. Referring him to CABS, Grafton

Patient admitted to unit after ER boarding within the ER for an extended period as mom didn’t feel safe with him returning home. He has a chronic history of extreme emotional dysregulation with acute worsening since moving to the unit & significant head banging and aggression towards himself and others. He has a history of trauma that is likely impacting his presentation.


Update 2/15/24: DC 2/18 to Gerard on 2/19
Discharge Plan: *Insurance is UCARE MN PMAP * County funding approved 1/30/24*

Residential Treatment – Referrals have been sent to the following facilities- pt is accepted at two- waiting county funding and then admission.
-Avanti (Referral submitted 10/26, DECLINED)
-Gerard Academy (Referral submitted 10/26; Accepted, estimated admission around 2/11)
-North Homes (ACCEPTED; openings in March/April)
-PrairieCare Residential could consider pt in interim should county approve funding

PRTF – Referrals to be sent to the following facilities:
-Grafton (Referral submitted 10/23; pt does not meet exclusionary criteria)
-Nexus East Bethel (Referral sent; only accepting pt’s with MA insurance at this time; will refer once County confirms MA insurance)

Outpatient Services:
Establish CMHCM through Ramsey County (Referral submitted 10/23; intake worker confirmed on 1/10 that a long term worker would be assigned next day, now assigned to Clues- they are completing a full intake for CMHCM now, and working on setting up JST meeting with Ramsey County)

Continue existing outpatient services:
-Therapy/Therapist: Minnesota Mental Health Clinic in Woodbury
-Prescriber/Medication Management: Nystrom & Associates
-MCRC Runaway Intervention Program at Children’s
-PO Ari Tresselt Ramsey County
-Disability Services intake worker: Ramsey County

Case Description
15-year-old female with a history of depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, as well as some behavioral concerns. Pt has had three hospitalizations in the past year, has done PHP, JDC, outpatient.


Primary Recommendation – RTC
-Nexus Gerard, accepted, admission 2/9 at 1000

Other RTC referrals:
-Avanti, declined
-North Homes, declined
-PrairieCare Residential, declined due to aggression
-Northwoods, referral made, declined for RTC

-Northwest Passages (Prairieview), county made referral, waitlist 2-4 months
-Lad Lake in Wisconsin, county made referral
-Youth Villages in Memphis; county made referral, reviewing
-Lava Heights in Utah; county made referral
-Falcon Ridge in Utah; county made referral
-Newport News in Virginia; county made referral
-Summit Oaks in South Dakota, county made referral, declined
-Provo Canyon in Utah; county made referral, declined
-Rogers, Hennepin County does not contract/won’t provide funding

Due to declines from QRTP, exploring PRTF options:
-Nexus East Bethel; referral made, not covered by insurance, potential to switch insurance, reviewing
-Northwoods; referral made, waitlist 2+ years

Bridge to RTC/PRTF; if warranted:
Establish CMHCM (Assigned to Kimberly Trembley through Hennepin County, 612-743-1549, waiting for QI approval for funding)
Establish PHP (SW to reschedule if/when appropriate)

Other Referrals Made:
Acadia Treatment Placement Specialists; referral made

Outpatient Recommendations:
Establish Individual Therapy
Establish Family Therapy
Continue PCP at Indian Health Board in Minneapolis


Presenting Problems: Experiencing school stressors, family dynamic changes, depression, mood lability, SI via ingestion.


Presented to the ED for suicidal ideation. Boarded in the ED and attempts were made to safety plan with family but family refused to take patient home. Pt has an extensive history of running away, threatening others, suicidal ideation and there have been concerns (not proven) about patient taking advantage of vulnerable peers and children. Patient was admitted to ANW in early 2023 for 68 days. RTC was recommended but patient was declined from programs in MN and nationwide. Family was resistant to taking patient home but eventually patient discharged home.


Discharged to a friends house 2/2/24
Seeking safe living placement for youth ASAP
Patient is a 17 year old Caucasian female with a history of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Admitted for SI/SIB related to school stress.
Ukraine Refugee and has been self sustaining since arriving in America. Patient was residing in Duluth with a roommate and roommate will not have patient live with her anymore. Patient does not have any contact with family. Trauma from war in Ukraine.
She has a therapist and psychiatrist in Duluth- will arrange to where she is living. Has completed PHP twice in the past. Pt wants to live in the Twin Cities Metro for access to more resources .Insured by UBH MA plan.

*Barrier to Discharge is housing:
The Bridge for Youth (Referral made, declined due to recent suicidal ideation)
Aspen House (Referral made, pending response)
Hope House (Contacted, no available bed at this time)
Brittany’s Place (Referral made, call at noon to review patient)
Von Wald Shelter (Referral made, pending response)
Life House (Contacted, waiting response)
Hennepin County Front Door (Contacted, they directed to call Homeless shelter, thus unable to help with housing/shelter resources)
Lutheran Social Services (Contacted, no available bed at this time)
UMD Campus Housing (Contacted campus housing, they don’t have campus housing for PSEO students)