
Update 5/14/24: Patient discharged home to the care of her guardian with outpatient supports to bridge Day Treatment.
Update 5/10/24: Patient tentatively scheduled to discharge home on 5/14/24, with outpatient supports to bridge PHP at Amberwing.
Update 5/6/24: Douglas County CPS is navigating PHP and Day Treatment with the guardian for aftercare. PHP waitlist is approximately 3 weeks and guardian still needs to obtain insurance coverage. Douglas County CPS will be closing out their case on 5/10/24 due to a lack of immediate safety concerns as evidenced by the guardian willing to take the patient home.

Update 4/30/24: Guardian is making statements of wanting the patient to return home. Patient was declined from foster placements in Wisconsin, and family placement is not an option either. Douglas County, WI, CPS, working with the guardian on a transition plan home, including Day Treatment and Outpatient Therapy. Patient remains at the hospital.

Update 4/24/24: Parent still not willing/able to take pt home. County involved and navigating alternative living arrangement/placement. DC rec is PHP.

Update 4/17/24: Parent still not willing/able to take pt home. County involved and navigating alternative living arrangement/placement. DC rec is PHP.

Update 4/3/24: Parent still not willing/able to take pt home. County involved. DC rec is PHP, openings available at PC PHP when patient is able.

Patient was admitted from Essentia Health in Duluth after attempting to run away from home. Pt has conflict w/ dad & has made HI statements toward him (burning him, switching meds out so he will OD). Pt also has a Hx of inappropriate sexual behavior with older men & on the internet.

Historically, patient lived with extended relatives for the first 11 years of her life due to mitigating circumstances that did not allow biological parents to meet her needs. Patient then went to live with her biological mom and was then sent to live with her dad, as mom was unable to meet patient needs. Patient has been with dad for about 1 month now, and he has indicated that he cannot meet her needs either, and declines for the patient to return home.

Discharge Plan:
PrairieCare Recommends:
Establish PHP; county coordinating with Amberwing, estimated 3-week waitlist

Establish Individual and Family Therapy:
-Insight Counseling in Duluth; referral made
-SOAR Services in Superior, WI; referral made
-Nystrom and Associates in Duluth; referral made

Establish PCP
Establish CMHCM (Open with Kalley Rustad at Douglas County CPS for long-term supports, closing case 5/10)
Establish CLTS (Referral made to Douglas County, CPS also coordinating)

Estimated length of stay:
Seven to ten treatment days; patient is medically ready for discharge; pending Douglas County, WI, establishing aftercare with the guardian. Guardian is now willing to take the patient home.


Update 4/26/24: Patient discharged from inpatient on 4/26/24 and admitted to VOA Bar None Shelter Plus.

Update 4/24/24: Patient has been accepted to VOA Bar None ShelterPlus Program with admission scheduled for Friday 4/26.

Update 4/17/24: Updated clinical/referral resubmitted to Anthony Lewis Center for acceptance consideration.

Update 4/4/24 – County is working towards referrals to group home settings at North Crow Group Home – Cokato and Annadale – Village Ranch while awaiting appropriate RTC placement. Anthony Lewis Center tentatively reconsidering the referral if patient does not need a medical setting.

16-year-old female presenting to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital. Patient is diagnosed with RAD, depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, polysubstance use emerging personality traits. Patient has had multiple hospitalizations, utilizes outpatient resources and completed DBT, one RTC placement, been in a group home, and is currently in foster placement. Patient’s current foster placement is unwilling to have patient return. Patient is currently under guardianship of Wright County.

Discharge Plan:
Dual Diagnosis RTC:
– MHealth Fairview-Maplewood (Referrals submitted: Update 3.13.24 – Cannot be approved until housing is confirmed)
– Wings (Referrals submitted Denied 3.15.24 due to mental health needs exceeded current program capabilities)

Current Providers:
– Individual Therapy
– Chemical Dependency Counseling
– Medication Management
– CMHCM with Wright County


Update 4/23/24: Patient discharged from inpatient on 4/23/24. Patient scheduled to begin PrairieCare PHP on 4/24/24 while continuing to pursue Group Home placement as recommended by the county.

Patient is a 14-year-old female presenting to inpatient on 03/19/2024 from the ED due to running away from shelter placement. Patient has a history of participating in PHP two times, DBT, ongoing outpatient mental health services, and being in shelter placement.

Discharge Plan:
-North Homes (on the wait list)

CD-RTC: Referrals submitted/considered for the following facilities:
-Hazelden (Pt’s insurance not accepted in Minnesota)
-Rogers (Declined due to elopement risk)
-M Health Fairview (Declined due to elopement risk)
-Anthony Louis Center (referral sent 03/27/24)

Group Home Placement (as recommended by JST/county):
-Little Sands (Referral submitted by CM; declined d/t LON)
-Village Ranch (Referral submitted by CM; reviewing 4/10; pending additional review on 4/17)
-North Homes (Pt is on the waitlist for RTC; pt is not eligible for their group home due to age)

Existing Outpatient Providers:
CHMCH: Hennepin County
Psychiatry: Nystrom & Associates


Update 4/29/24: Patient discharged from Inpatient on 04/19/24 to wraparound outpatient mental health services while continuing to pursue RTC options.

Patient admitted to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital 3/19/24 from the ED following increased thoughts of suicide with a plan. Pt has had previous IP stays at PrairieCare, Mayo Clinic, Riverside and Prairie St. John’s. Pt had a previous residential stay at Gerard. RTC has been pursued and funding has been approved through Dakota County although currently pt has been declined by viable in-state options. Level 6/PRTF programming is also being explored.

Referral is currently pending at Bar None Haven. Referral also made to Acadia to explore out of state options. Referral will be made to Nexus East Bethel PRTF as CMHCM is willing to help pt switch to straight MA if Nexus is able to accept. Patient is medically ready for discharge and is pursuing an interim plan of dcing home with wrap around services while awaiting placement.

RTC (CASII LEVEL 5) (funding approved, in QI process):
-Acadia (referral sent to explore out of state options)
-Avanti (declined)
-PCR (declined)
-North Homes (declined)
-Gerard (declined)
-Northwoods (waitlist 2+ years, so not a viable option)
-Newport (Insurance not accepted, so not a viable option)
-Nexus Mille Lacs (only accepts biologically male patients, so not a viable option)

-Bar None Haven (referral pending)
-Nexus East Bethel (referral to be sent, CMHCM able to help switch to straight MA if accepted)
-Grafton (requires ID dx)
-Leo Hoffman (only accepts biologically male patients)
-Northwoods (2+ year WL)


4/10/24: Patient discharged from inpatient on 4/10/24 and admitted to Gerard RTC.

4/3/24 Update: Accepted at Gerard, parent and pt excited for Gerard RTC. However, pt’s parent not in agreement to VPA for the purpose of RTC funding, thus, missed admission. Parent working with county to make some edits on VPA and then pt will admit to Gerard RTC on 4/10/24.

Case Description: 17 y/o male w/ hx of MDD, GAD, ODD, PTSD, polysubstance abuse( in remission), multiple suicide attempts currently presenting due to SI w/ plan to hang self. Patient has been struggling w/ worsening symptoms of depression due to mothers upcoming death anniversary coming up.

Insurance is BCBS MN PMAP

Discharge Plan: RTC:
– Gerard (Referral submitted by IT, Tentative admit Weds 4/3 at 1300 pending county funding; 3.21.24 County funding approved but adoptive parent not in agreement to “sign custody to the county” for the purpose of RTC funding, thus, missed admission, next admission scheduled for 4/10/24)
– North Homes (Referral submitted by IT)
– Nexus Mille Lacs (Referral submitted)
– Village Ranch (Referral submitted)

Current Providers:
– Individual Therapy at Rooted Counseling in Moorhead
– Primary Care with Sanford Children’s Southwest Clinic
– Medication Management at Midwest Mental Health
– Group Home Case Management at Valley-Lake Boys Home
– Probation at Clay County
– Group Therapy through Valley-Lake Boys Home
– CMHCM at Clay County


Update 4/15/24: Patient discharged from inpatient on 4/15/24 to home with outpatient services while awaiting level 6 RTC/PRTF placement.

Update 4/3/24: Bar None Haven (Referral submitted, Denied 3.22.24), Northwood Children’s (Referral submitted, On waitlist), Grafton (Referral submitted), Nexus East Bethel (Referral submitted). County also working on referral for MITH program (MN Intensive Therapeutic Homes). MN Choice Assessment done.

12-year-old female with DMDD and RAD presenting to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital. Patient has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations, 2 RTC placements and 2 JDC placements.

Discharge Plan:
Locked Level 6 RTC – Bar None Haven (Referral submitted)

Current Providers:
CMCHM at Beltrami County
Individual Therapy
Medication Management
Wavier Case Management Services through Beltrami County (In process)


Update 4/12/24: Patient discharged from inpatient to home, while waiting for RTC admission.

Update 4/11/24: Patient scheduled to discharge from inpatient on 4/12/24, stepping down to outpatient supports, while waiting for RTC. Intake process is moving forward at North Homes RTC, with potential admission on 4/18 or 4/19.

Update 4/4/24: Patient has been accepted at North Homes RTC with a potential admission mid-April. Patient has now been assigned a CMHCM, waiting on screening for county funding.

Update 3/21/4: Pt is under review for acceptance at North Homes pending county funding, Waiting assigned CMHCM, parent is currently doing the intake process at the county to get a CMHCM for the Juvenile Screening.

Patient is a 14-year-old transgender male presenting at PrairieCare’s inpatient hospital. Patient presented to Sanford Bemidji Medical Center on 3/4 when parents brought them. That night while parents were away from home patient was aggressive toward sister. Family called crisis and were directed to bring to ED for evaluation. This is after a similar event last week where patient attempted to stab sister with a knife and father had to intervene.


Patient admitted to North Homes Shelter on 4/5 while awaiting North Homes RTC admission!

Update 4/3/24: Pt admitting to North Homes Shelter 4/5 at 1100 until North Homes RTC admission- Thank you, Connie!!!!

Insurance:BCBS MN PMAP

Case Description: Patient presents to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital from the ED. Prior to the ED, she was at Village Ranch RTC/group home. Patient is no longer able to return to Village Ranch as they are recommending a higher level of care that can provide more supports, she also is not able to return home at this time.
Recommendation is for level 5 QRTP.

Discharge Plan:
-Avanti Center for Girls (Referral sent)
-Gerard (Referral sent)
-North Homes (Referral sent, tentative opening beginning of May, interim North Homes Shelter)
-Village Ranch (pt unable to return due to recommending more support/higher LOC)

-CMHCM with Crow Wing County


Update 4/10/25: declined at Leo Hoffman, East Bethel, Bar None Haven, does not meet criteria for Grafton, Northwood wait list 2 years. Discharged from Mille Lacs RTC.
Update 4/3/24- declined Leo Hoffman, East Bethel, Waiting to hear back from Grafton, Bar None Haven. Discharged from Mille Lacs. Northwood waitlist 2 years.
Update 4/1/24: Nexus East Bethel PRTF declined pt due to not having a male unit at this time.

15-year-old female identifying patient with a history of depression, anxiety, RAD, PTSD, ADHD, and ODD. Patient has been in and out of treatment settings for 3+ years and has not been at home since. Patient was at an unknown treatment facility and was discharged due to its closing, Northwood Children’s Services PRTF (discharged due to not needing level 6 care) and most recently has been at Nexus Mille Lacs RTC since October 2022. Patient has a history of four inpatient hospitalizations. Patient has been discharged from Nexus Mille Lacs RTC as of 3/20/24 due to them recommending a higher level of care.

Current provider:
CMHCM: Kanabec County

PRTF: (MN DHS eligibility submitted by county and approved)
-Leo Hoffman (declined due to pt acuity)
-Northwood (added to wait list, about 2 years)
-Grafton (pt does not meet acceptance criteria)
-Nexus East Bethel (declined due to not having a male unit)

-Nexus Mille Lacs (pt discharged from program as of 3/20 due to lack of engagement)
-Bar None Haven (declined due to aggression and behaviors)

MN DHS Complex Transitions Team (in process of scheduling care conference)


Update 4/3/24- funding in place, waiting available RTC- accepted at Gerard and North Homes. Waiting to hear back from Avanti and East Bethel.

Case Description: Patient is a 16 y/o individual w/ hx MDD, GAD, ADHD, multiple previous hospitalizations, currently presenting due to SI. Patient went to foster care after discharge in previous hospitalization at PC ( october 2023) and returned to mothers home end of Dec after 1 month. Patient was hospitalized at Prairie St Johns for 1 week ( discharged 3/8) due to intrusive SI . Patient feels she was discharged earlier than she should have been because she was still struggling w/ “feeling safe”. Patient indicated that depression /anxiety and intrusive SI improved significantly in foster care. Patient indicated during the time in foster care, patient worked on her relationship w/ mother and feels it was “helpful. Patient transitioned to mothers home and feels that overall relationship has improved and does not know why depression/SI has escalated again.

Discharge Plan: RTC (county funding approved for RTC)
-Avanti (Referral done, waiting to hear back)
-Gerard (Referral done, Accepted)
-North Homes (Referral done, Accepted, currently on waitlist, openings anticipated in June)

-Nexus East Bethel (Referral in progress)

Existing outpatient providers:
-CMHCM at Sherburne County
-Individual therapy Main Street Family Services-Elk River (Appt scheduled 3/27)
-Family therapy at Main Street Family Services-Elk River
-Primary care at Stellis Health-Monticello
-Psychiatry s at Nystrom & Associates
-In-home skills