Patient presented to the ETC at SCH with aunt. Patient presented after being on run from NW Passages in Wisconsin. During times of elopement, patient is known to spend time at the home of a person known for drugs and trafficking. Patient has a county mental health case manager that is working to make referrals for appropriate levels of care. Patient has a history of aggression towards their aunt. Patient does not have any contact with biological father as he is incarcerated and limited contact with biological mother. Parental rights have not been terminated, but patient’s aunt has physical and legal custody. Patient is very vulnerable and has no insight into the unsafe nature of his behaviors.
Ancillary Support Service: Children's Mental Health Targeted Case Management
Children’s Mental Health Targeted Case Management involves coordinating and managing mental health services for children and youth to ensure they receive appropriate care and support.
Recommendation for level 5 QRTP or level 6 PRTF. Patient is currently in psychiatric inpatient hospitalization.
Ten-year-old female patient with a history of in utero exposure and early childhood trauma and attachment concerns, with a historical diagnosis of FASD-Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopment Disorder (ARND). Patient presents with emotional dysregulation, violent threats and aggression, as well as passive suicidal ideation. Patient has been hospitalized multiple times and participated in several outpatient services.
Discharge Plan:
RTC (recommendation letter sent to CMHCM who is requesting county screening meeting)
-Nexus Gerard (referral sent, reviewing, will hear back week of 9/2)
-Northwood (referral submitted, next opening end of year, will review for acceptance at that time)
-North Homes (declined due not have staffing to meet needs related to aggression, SW requested reconsideration; declined 8/21)
PRTF (PRTF eligibility form sent to DHS 8/16)
-Nexus East Bethel (referral submitted w/PRTF eligibility approval 9/4)
-Grafton (referral submitted w/PRTF eligibility approval 9/4)
Bridging with Day tx
-Catholic Charities (referral pending although may not consider d/t RTC rec, IEP sent, 8 person WL)
Current Providers:
Med Management- Mayo Clinic
CM- Dakota County
CADI waiver- Dakota County contracted provider
Pt admitted to HC JDC on 08/16/2024 and since then has been ordered to be released from HC JDC, but all referrals have been denied to RTC, Group Home and Shelter placement. There is a significant history of mental health and trauma for this youth. The youths mom is not an option due to the mom not willing to take her home and the youth in out of home placement. No father (deceased). There is a significant history of aggression and currently charges pending in multiple counties with in MN.
Recommendation is for level 5 RTC – patient is currently inpatient.
14-year-old Male from ED. Patient got in a fight with their father and ran away from home. Patient has had several other inpatient hospitalizations and has completed a partial hospitalization program with PrairieCare. In alignment with CMHCM, seeking RTC level of care. At this time parents do not feel they can have the child return home. Referrals have been sent to Gerard Academy and Nexus Mille Lacs.
Patient insured by UCARE MA PMAP.
Pt has the following outpatient supports:
Individual Therapy
Patient admitted to inpatient hospital following attempted overdose. Prior to hospitalization pt had resided at home with parents since February 2024. Prior to this pt had 18 month stay at Gerard RTC. Pt also had previous stay at North Homes RTC.
Discharge Plan:
-PCR (referral sent)
-Gerard (referral sent)
-North Homes (referral sent)
-Village Ranch (declined in February due to behaviors, flight risk, animal cruelty)
-Mille Lacs (referral sent)
-Bar None Shelter Plus (need county referral/funding, CMHCM not supporting)
-Leo Hoffman (referral in progress)
Group Home
-CMCHCM assisting with referrals although pt would need to pursue CADI funding prior to county funding
-MnChoices Assessment through Hennepin County for CADI Waiver (request made, scheduling 6 months out, can expedite if placement is found)
Continue with established outpatient providers:
Individual Therapist: Scott Nielson with Melissa Anderson and Associates
Primary Care Provider: Riverwood in MacGregor
Prescriber/Medication Management: Janet Larson with Riverwood Clinic
CMHCM: Alissa Boser with Aitken County (218-838-2405)
Probation Officer: Jacob Leondhardt with Aitkin County (218-927-7231)
Recommendation is for level 6 PRTF – seeking interim plan for Respite, Shelter Plus, etc.; patient is currently inpatient.
13 year old female from ED. Pt was at school and was angry and ran from the school. Patient has history numerous psychiatric hospitalizations as well as ten months of treatment at Gerard residential treatment. In alignment with CMHCM, seeking PRTF level of care. At this time parents do not feel they can have the child return home. County looking at respite care, so far unsuccessful. On waitlist (2+ years) at Northwoods, Grafton referral sent, Nexus East Bethel pending acceptance/wiatlist)
Pt insured by Medicaid (had a commercial plan UBH that ended on 3/1/24).
Pt has the following outpatient supports:
Day tx (not yet started)
Recommendation is for level 5 residential treatment.
Patient arrived at inpatient from ED due to an increase in suicidal ideation with plan. Patient’s legal guardian is Goodhue County. He currently lives with a foster family. This is his 5th psychiatric inpatient hospitalization. He has done PC PHP 3 times, receives outpatient mental health services, and did CIBS program.
Discharge Plan:
RTC: (will need county funding)
-Gerard (Referral sent)
-North Homes (Referral sent)
-Nexus Mille Lacs (Referral sent)
Referred for Trauma informed therapy and CTSS.
Continue with established outpatient providers:
CMHCM: Fernbrook Family Center
PCP/Medication Management: Allina Health
Guardian Ad Litem: Goodhue County
County Guardian: Goodhue County
Recommendation is for level 5 QRTP, patient is currently inpatient.
Patient admitted on 5.29 to inpatient hospital. Patient has had 3 prior inpatient hospitalizations at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. January 2022, July 2023 and August 2023 her mother estimated. She also has participated in partial program. Patient had no incidents of aggression towards peers or staff. Referring information described her as needing to be on 1:1 staffing, due to aggression on the unit, however this was prior to the last inpatient hospitalization, in which no incidents of aggression were reported. The initial statement of ‘no incidents of aggression” was reported by the patient herself. Patient does have a history of psychiatric hospitalizations, day treatment, skills groups and individual therapy. Patient does not have a history of eating disorder treatment. Patient does have formal mental health history, including formal psychiatric evaluations, engagement in therapy, psychotropic medication trials and psychiatric hospitalizations.
Residential Treatment (referrals submitted 6/24, pending county funding)
– Avanti
– North Homes
– Nexus Gerard
6/4/24 admission note: Patient is a 14-year-old female admitted to PrairieCare for suicidal ideation and self-injurious behaviors. Patient was recently discharged from a 45-days residential program. 2 days post discharge patient began threatening to kill her mom and reported SI with plan to jump in front of a car. Pt has a history of recurrent major depression SI, and SIB.
Discharge Plan:
SMRT-Hennepin County (7/8)
PRTF/QRTP – Level 6:
-Grafton (declined due to current milieu at facility)
-Nexus East Bethel (unable to refer due to insurance)
-Leo A Hoffman (unable to refer due to males only)
-Bar None Haven (SW to send referral once consent obtained)
-Northwood (SW to send referral once consent obtained)
-The Youth Village in Tennessee (guardian pursuing)
-Acadia Healthcare (SW to send referral once consent obtained)
Current Providers-
Therapy- Paula Ocampo at Lake Country Associates
EMDR therapy-Tiffany Rundquist, Sanford Health Bemidji
Pediatric Neurology- Dr. Ilgarli, Essentia Health
Psychiatry- Daniel Janiczak, MD and Kayla Scheneit, MD- Sandford Bemidji
CMHCM- Erika Kjellberg, Hubbard County
CTSS- Megan Berg, Hubbard County
EMPATH at Bemidji Sanford 2 times/week
Patient was brought to ED after making suicidal and homicidal statements during his psychiatric medication appointment. He was evaluated and inpatient psychiatric stabilization was recommended. While in the ED he has been calm and cooperative. Denying suicidal ideation or Homicidal ideation at this time. He does recognize that he has been dysregulated and struggling to find effective coping skills. Recent increase in conflict at home. Has been engaging in self-harm. Mom does not feel safe having him in the home at this time.